CBS anchor obliterates Harris' proposed leftist price control measures for the failed Marxist policies that they are

you can't prove the 2016 election was not stolen by fraud either.

or that you aren't a serial killer
or that trump is not an illegal alien.

god you enjoy looking stupid
I also note that Francis has never attempted to prove or show that he is not stoopid.

However he has shown he is very good at doubling down. I am sure decades from now if god willing Francis is still around he will (erroneously) continue claiming no court has proven there was no massive fraud in our election. All along not acknowledging that such logic even if true is faulty and that it also impugns Trumps 2016 win.
nobody can prove or disprove there is an abominable snowman or a god either. it would be foolish to then base our policies on these either way. in our system if you have a legal claim, you must prove it. if you do not, you would not prevail. but mental midgets cannot accept this and keep substituting their mere opinions/wishes for proofs. it is tiring. please stop it. too bad there are few thoughtful rightwingers on this board. as a result you get a lot of attention. perhaps you, like your messiah, are a garden variety narcissist and enjoy this.
People can question many things but refusing to investigate clear evidence of voting fraud is irresponsible.
you can't prove the 2016 election was not stolen by fraud either.

or that you aren't a serial killer
or that trump is not an illegal alien.

god you enjoy looking stupid
Silly comparisons do not justify refusals to investigate clear evidence of voting fraud.
I also note that Francis has never attempted to prove or show that he is not stoopid.

However he has shown he is very good at doubling down. I am sure decades from now if god willing Francis is still around he will (erroneously) continue claiming no court has proven there was no massive fraud in our election. All along not acknowledging that such logic even if true is faulty and that it also impugns Trumps 2016 win.
Evidence of voting fraud refutes claims that the 2020 election was not significantly tainted by fraud.
Silly comparisons do not justify refusals to investigate clear evidence of voting fraud.
Who refused to investigate credible evidence. Nane them and prove the evidence wad credible

But I noticed you didn't prove Trump didn't win by fraud lol