CBO: Dems' "stimulus" will do little good short-term, and harm long-term

why is it that the congress have not mentioned cutting any - current govt program and use that money to fund this huge bill they are ramming down our throats.

It is true, tax cuts alone won't work, but to take more money, from those who are already over-taxed and give it to those who aren't paying taxes is not a fix.

Cut taxes and reduce spending has to be done at the same time or it is just an offset
Acorn is getting their kickback for helping with the "voter registration". They are included in the non-profit provisions of the bill.

But On C-Span the senate debated that Acorn be excluded as an ammendment.

Those crooks at Acorn should get no part of this money.
Ah, yes.....another "conservative"-Absolute; only Republican-supporters are entitled to kickback$.


"I am supporting the economic stimulus package for one simple reason: The country cannot afford not to take action."
Ah, yes.....another "conservative"-Absolute; only Republican-supporters are entitled to kickback$.

What does any of that matter. Remember Bush did not run to be our current presidency. Obama's whole campaign was about hope and change. Change from the same old crap that the govt had been doing.

But as it turns out, he was full of horse $hit!
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One of the members posting on this forum is actually a computer program designed to match certain words we post with links to Media Matters?


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One of the members posting on this forum is actually a computer program designed to match certain words we post with links to Media Matters?



True! It's the infamous liberal creation, "Mr. Shame-an bot", created to spew useless links of propaganda.
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One of the members posting on this forum is actually a computer program designed to match certain words we post with links to Media Matters?



True! And it randomly add irrelevant links that don't even support his non-argument with randomly bold and colored chat! Plus a few centered smiley faces!
:) :eek: :cool:
More and more people - and financial experts - are coming out against the so-calld "stimulus" bills being rammed through the House and Senate, which President Obama is insisting must be passed and signed quickly. Their lack of any real effect on the economy, is making people wonder what all that spending is really for.



CBO: Obama stimulus harmful over long haul


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