Carter: Wilson's outburst, dislike for Obama based on racism


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Washington state
Glad to see President Carter telling it like it is...

Former President Jimmy Carter said Tuesday that U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson's outburst to President Barack Obama during a speech to Congress last week was an act "based on racism" and rooted in fears of a black president.

"I think it's based on racism," Carter said at a town hall held at his presidential center in Atlanta. "There is an inherent feeling among many in this country that an African-American should not be president."

The Georgia Democrat said the outburst was a part of a disturbing trend directed at the president that has included demonstrators equating Obama to Nazi leaders.


“I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man, that he is African-American," Carter said.

“Racism ... still exists and I think it has bubbled up to the surface because of a belief among many white people, not just in the south but around the country, that African-Americans are not qualified to lead this great country. It’s an abominable circumstance and grieves me and concerns me very deeply,” Carter told NBC News.
Didn't you just comment in another thread that it was the "right" that played the "race card."

You then follow it up with a leftist blatantly playing the race card.

Do you totally discount what President Carter had to say?

You know as well as I that much of the opposition to Obama is steeped in racism. How much, what percentage?...That's anybody's guess, but you can't ignore the fact that it does exist.
Do you totally discount what President Carter had to say?

You know as well as I that much of the opposition to Obama is steeped in racism. How much, what percentage?...That's anybody's guess, but you can't ignore the fact that it does exist.

I do not deny that some people are racists. There are some white people who hate black people for being black and there are some black people who hate white people for being white.

I just fail to see how any of that matters or why that is the big issue.
Didn't you just comment in another thread that it was the "right" that played the "race card."

You then follow it up with a leftist blatantly playing the race card.
Yeah....CIVIL RIGHTS is a real "Leftist"-issue....for a "conservative"!!!!!!!!!


"Carter declared in his inaugural speech that the time of racial segregation was over, and that racial discrimination had no place in the future of the state. He was the first statewide office holder in the Deep South to say this in public.
I do not deny that some people are racists. There are some white people who hate black people for being black and there are some black people who hate white people for being white.

I just fail to see how any of that matters or why that is the big issue., Wilson HAD to follow-up "You LIE!" with "...BOY!!!", to be considered a racist, huh???

How (typically) "conservative" of you.

Glad to see President Carter telling it like it is...

"That's right -- Wilson was one of only seven members of the South Carolina Senate to vote to stick-it-to-the-blacks/keep-the-battle-flag. It was finally brought down under intense national pressure and from an NAACP boycott, which cost the state millions in tourism revenue.

Wilson was just being a good foot soldier for the Neo-Confederate cause, as he's a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, an organization teeming with white supremecists and right-wing extremists."
If there is any racial bias in Rep. Wilson's remarks then shame on him.

Having grown up in the '60s I can't believe there is any reference to racism any longer. The reality is that prejudice is everywhere, all the time, but it is now includes everyone. When I hear current political leaders telling me that they need to reach into my wallet to a greater percentage than others, that is prejudice. When my nephew can't get into a college because he is the wrong color that is prejudice. When my niece doesn't get a promotion because there aren't enough minorities in management, that is prejudice. But, it's politically incorrect to complain and I don't want to.

My question is why didn't the President stand up to Wilson at the time. I want my President to be a bad a**. I wish he would have chewed Wilson's butt off right there. Instead he just gave Wilson the "teacher glare". Is that what he does when Putin says something he doesn't like? Instead of spending time (our money) chastising Wilson in Congress, why not give facts that make Wilson out to be a liar?
If there is any racial bias in Rep. Wilson's remarks then shame on him.

When my nephew can't get into a college because he is the wrong color that is prejudice. When my niece doesn't get a promotion because there aren't enough minorities in management, that is prejudice. But, it's politically incorrect to complain and I don't want to.
You just that (typically, "conservative") "veiled"-kind-o'-way.....​
You just that (typically, "conservative") "veiled"-kind-o'-way.....​

Bait all you want...your prejudice shows in your comment...I'm stating the fact that everyone has some form of prejudice to overcome and I used my life as an example. The use of labels is the first indicator that their is bigotry at work. If you have a problem with my post, great, challenge it; but please don't categorize me. It once again demonstrates your point isn't about facts or discussion, but about slander and bigotry.

Check out my upcoming on'll enjoy it.
Has Carter yet revealed what acts or statements made him think Wilson's outburst was "racist"?

Or has he simply made the general accusation, with no attempt to back it up with any facts?
Who cares what the all time Worst President in history has to say anyway.

Is that how desperate Obama has gotten, that he is trying to get a boost from Jimmy Carter?

How funny?, Wilson HAD to follow-up "You LIE!" with "...BOY!!!", to be considered a racist, huh???

How (typically) "conservative" of you.


Well typically if you want to claim someone is racist, shouldn't you wait until they actually do or say something racist.

Wilson did neither by yelling "you lie."
Who cares what the all time Worst President in history has to say anyway.

Is that how desperate Obama has gotten, that he is trying to get a boost from Jimmy Carter?

How funny?

Carter the worst President in history...hardly.

In C-Span's 2009 Historians Survey of Presidential Leadership in which 65 presidential historians ranked the 42 former occupants of the White House, Carter finished at 25th...while your hero George W. Bush ranked 36th. James Buchanan was rated the worst of all time.

I'll go with the opinion of these Presidential historians over that of a cranky wingnut anytime.
Jimmy Carter was a very bad president and very wrong on economic policies.

Strangely he and Obama have that lack of dealing well with economic issues in common.
Both have done harm to the US.

Carter is now wrong by calling Republicans (such as Wilson) racist, without any proof.

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