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Originally Posted by Libsmasher
Fine, you can be proud - just change the state name to something more appropriate and stop defiling the memory of George Washington. How about "Malcolm X"? Maybe "Stalin"? As for Orange County - it's a place where freedom rings, private enterprise thrives, and the fourth of july is celebrated. A pinko lib-fascist like you would be unwelcome.
Freedom rings in OC, yeah sure...where in Disneyland? Considering OC has a population of over 3 million, how do you even have room to turn around?

I prefer a more laid back lifestyle, living in a rural area in a progressive state. It doesn't take me 2 hours to drive the 20 miles into town.
Well, you're in the right place - probably filthy hippie communes all over that place.
Meanwhile you seem to prefer an overly crowded, hot, authoritarian atmosphere.
YOU call ME authoritarian?????????!!!!!!!!!!

I've got an idea, why don't you move to Simi Valley? It's not as crowded and I'm sure you can find plenty of like minded individuals such as yourself.
Too hot, I like the nice cool coastal area I'm in.
Originally Posted by Libsmasher
]Yes, because unlike dictatorship and third world-fixated america-hating people like you, most americans want to see how the americans are doing. Another thing is that Bolt is an arrogant snot, always making snide gestures before and after races.
Oh, I see:
Usian Bolt, dark skinned and arrogant snot.
Michael Phelps, white and American...pure as the driven snow.
Why am I not surprised that you would judge the athletes that way?
Did I refer to skin??? Noooooo........ You are getting your butt stomped with what I DO say, so you make up fictional straw man things I didn't say so you can still "win".