Well-Known Member
The entire western financial system is built on debt… it’s an anti-capitalist system set-up to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. It started in 1913, when Woodrow Wilson was bribed by the same ultra-wealthy banking families who have raped and pillaged innocent citizens for years. The bribe was to allow these families…the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Morgans, etc… to enslave the people of the U.S. with The Federal Reserve Bank and the Internal Revenue Service. Oh, what a great year in history. With the founding of The Fed and the IRS, things were now on a very slippery slope for the U.S., leading to periods of rampant inflation and unemployment, the U.S. government’s confiscation of citizen’s gold occurring in 1933 and one of the final nails in the financial coffin of the U.S. in 1971, when Nixon took the U.S. dollar (aka The Federal Reserve Note) off of the gold standard… turning it into a completely fiat currency…or as many people now know it…fake currency.
With all of these disastrous events on the books, government debt rising to stratospheric and unpayable levels…and the government once again looking to seize the assets of their citizens in order to pay for the outrageously ridiculous governmental debts and obligations.
I think that explains it all rather well. But apparently our political class (both Ds and Rs) fails to comprehend. Once it all collapses, many will proclaim it is the fault of CAPITALISM (particular if an R is POTUS....remember that nasty capitalist Hebert Hoover???....

Then the fun will begin...

edited to help with an inadvertent omission : )