I know I've said this before, we the Church hold much blame for what’s going on in Government…
Entitlement welfare is a degenerate counterfeit for real human charity. It's easy to confuse tax-funded handouts with charity because they can look the same on the surface. We all need a charitable hand-up once in a while, and it's how and who we get that help from that is the key. Did the giver choose to give or was it taken from him without his consent? Is anyone being edified by the action? Was there a real human connection made that increased love on both sides of the transaction? It's in these moments when we need help or see a need that we can learn the difference.
The current lack of faith in charity is what has led to us thinking that the welfare state is necessary for our society to function. If the people were charitable and had faith in the charity of others we would have no need for welfare checks, and such. We would be taking care of ourselves, our families, and our neighbors if we were a charity-based society. But when the mentality is that needs should be met by the state, the state necessarily becomes oppressive. The lack of human charity and affection in our culture is what is feeding the big government monster (or at least the spread of the doubt in our charity, considering that I do still believe we are generally a charitable people.)
Charity as defined by God is "the pure love of Christ." If we care about others we do what is right for them, not what is easy or convenient for us. When we see a need we help. That is the way charitable giving should be. We shouldn't say, "There's a government program for that." We should open our homes, our wallets, our hearts, and give what is necessary to fulfilling Christ's law to "love one another." When we, of our own free will, give charitably the government loses its job as the savior of the downtrodden just a little bit. Can we in some small way make big government welfare irrelevant?
I just don’t know..
Entitlement welfare is a degenerate counterfeit for real human charity. It's easy to confuse tax-funded handouts with charity because they can look the same on the surface. We all need a charitable hand-up once in a while, and it's how and who we get that help from that is the key. Did the giver choose to give or was it taken from him without his consent? Is anyone being edified by the action? Was there a real human connection made that increased love on both sides of the transaction? It's in these moments when we need help or see a need that we can learn the difference.
The current lack of faith in charity is what has led to us thinking that the welfare state is necessary for our society to function. If the people were charitable and had faith in the charity of others we would have no need for welfare checks, and such. We would be taking care of ourselves, our families, and our neighbors if we were a charity-based society. But when the mentality is that needs should be met by the state, the state necessarily becomes oppressive. The lack of human charity and affection in our culture is what is feeding the big government monster (or at least the spread of the doubt in our charity, considering that I do still believe we are generally a charitable people.)
Charity as defined by God is "the pure love of Christ." If we care about others we do what is right for them, not what is easy or convenient for us. When we see a need we help. That is the way charitable giving should be. We shouldn't say, "There's a government program for that." We should open our homes, our wallets, our hearts, and give what is necessary to fulfilling Christ's law to "love one another." When we, of our own free will, give charitably the government loses its job as the savior of the downtrodden just a little bit. Can we in some small way make big government welfare irrelevant?
I just don’t know..