Can an INEPT President lead America to success?

I just ran across that old RNC Convention Schedule.:D

Republican Convention Schedule

Minneapolis, MN

4:00 PM - Opening Prayers and Massages Administered by Rev. Ted Haggard
4:05 PM - Presentation of Confederate Colors
4:10 PM - Pledge of Allegiance to 9/11
4:15 PM - Invocation of John McCain's POW Experience
4:30 PM - George W. Bush Speech on Legacy of Peace and Prosperity, Canceled
4:45 PM - Dick Cheney Instructional Seminar on Waterboarding, Canceled
5:00 PM - Karl Rove Speech on Government Accountability, Canceled
5:15 PM - Tribute to the U.S. Constitution, Canceled
5:30 PM - VP Beauty Contest and Swimsuit Competition, featuring Sarah Palin, Condoleezza Rice, and Rudy Giuliani
5:45 PM - Tribute Film to John McCain's Houses
6:00 PM - Free Jack Abramoff Pep Rally
6:15 PM - Free Tom DeLay Pep Rally
6:30 PM - Free Ted Stevens Pep Rally
6:45 PM - Invocation of John McCain's POW Experience
7:00 PM - VP Briefing Session: The Busy Mom's Guide to Battling Islamic Terrorism
7:15 PM - Larry Craig "Family Values" Lecture and Toe-Tapping Exhibition
7:30 PM - Restroom Break
7:45 PM - Invitation to "Strip Down and Get Relaxed," delivered by Mark Foley via Instant Message
8:00 PM - Lecture on the Effectiveness of Abstinence-Only Education – Sarah Palin
8:15 PM - Accidental Reference to "Obama bin Laden"
8:30 PM - Tribute to a "Nation of Whiners" – McCain Economic Adviser Phil Gramm
8:45 PM - Invocation of John McCain's POW Experience
9:00 PM - Group Sing–Along: "Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran"
9:15 PM - Mitt Romney Endorsement of Jockey Underwear
9:30 PM - Joke Interlude: McCain Tells the One About the Lawyer and the Catfish
9:45 PM - Rallying Call to "Drill Here, Drill Now," Followed by Unveiling of an Oil Rig on Speaker's Platform
10:00 PM - Halliburton Seminar: Profiting from the Next 100 Years of War in Iraq
10:15 PM - Parade of Alaskan Delegates Across Glitter-Encrusted Bridge to Nowhere, led by Sarah Palin
10:30 PM - Ceremonial Shattering of Glass Ceiling with Shotgun Blast Fired by Palin
11:00 PM - John McCain Acceptance Speech and Plea to Delegates to "Get Off My Lawns"
11:30 PM - Closing Invocation of John McCain's POW Experience
12:00 AM - Rapture and Farewell to Bush and Cheney

CUTE...really, really CUTE ;) Quite amazing that that entire period {while at the time seemed to take forever to get to the conventions} but now seems so long ago!

12/15/2009 - Can an INEPT President lead America to success?​

After a one year test it is certain BOR is totally inept to be our president.
He cannot lead ,
only blame . He still blames past Administration for all his failures and mistakes. Yes, he can parrot words written by others over a prompter. But , these words lack truth and passion. He never follows through with any meaningful actions or deeds.
Our allies are afraid to follow him , our enemies know he is weak and cowardly.
Our Congress is acting like a bunch of Mobsters using threats and intimidation to try and force enough votes to pass a hideous Health Care scheme that will harm every citizen and ruin our nation.
There is
no relief in excusing the collapse of our nation upon ignorance. If we allow our nation to fall ,what matters if it is a result of ineptness or a defeat by a superior military of another nation?, the result is the same . America falls and the last best hope of mankind goes with it, Think America!

How could there POSSIBLY be ANYTHING, more amusing, than rubbing Teabaggers' / MAGATS' collective noses in their own hypocrisy????

MAYBE, they're merely PSYCHICS....with a SEVERE TIMING-HANDICAP!!!!

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