Not true. Gays were legally marrying in California... thousands were already legally married... at the time this right was stripped away just limiting them and no one else.
No, that is not correct.
The court granted them the
privilege to marry, they did not grant them a right. No matter what was spoken, reality remains that they were granted a privilege, not a right.
The reason they were not granted a right is because prior to the court granting homosexuals the privilege to marry, homosexual marriage was not
reasonable and customary in the state of California.
Refer to the thread
Realities of Rights. Unless a privilege that falls truly in one of the three classes of rights has become reasonable and customary, it has not yet become a right.
Homosexual marriage is not yet reasonable and customary, as such must stand the test of time.
Thus, in truth, no right had been granted homosexuals to marry in California.
That was only a privilege to marry that they had received, thus it was subject to revoke by vote, and, hopefully, the California Supreme Court will do the right thing and uphold that vote.
No religious sect has the ownership of a "word".
Your statement is irrelevant.
This matter is not about religion.
It's about
definitive propriety.
And seeing as being gay is not illegal... living together gay is not illegal... having the documented legal protection of a committed monogamous relationship (and it's economic/property consequences for divorce) should not be illegal.
I agree ... with exception to the word "divorce", as divorce is a marital matter which does not rightly apply to homosexual domestic partnerships.
Indeed, your statment here for the most part presents the crux of the matter.
Whether a domestic partnership is marital (man and woman as husband and wife) or non-martial (any other valid domestic partnership including gay/lesbian), there should be
no discrimination with regard to government and corporate policies: marital as well as non-marital domestic partnerships should have equal rights in this regard.
Had all types of domestic partnerships equal rights, there would not have been any issue irrationally compelling homosexuals to the inappropriate quick fix of hijacking the definition of marriage. Please see
Proposition 8 Supporting Argument for more information.
And is it also "looking for activist courts" when the anti-gay marriage folks take these cases to court? It's really just two different sides looking for a legal judgment.
Maybe it's two sides seeking an activist court from your dualistic perspective.
But from mine it's merely a matter of grasping the reality that the privilege of homosexual marriage is a
definitive impropriety and thus either it needs to be denied in the courts or the definition of marriage needs to be changed. Rightly, with respect to both the realities of rights and definitive impropriety, homosexual marriage needs to be rightly denied.
If our legal system cannot consistently make accurate judgments with intelligent respect to rational concepts of reason, then we cannot trust it.
So no matter what your bias in the matter may be, it is always best to ask the courts to intelligently respect rational concepts of reason.
I wasn't aware gays were a completely different species?????????? Gays aren't human beings in your book???????????
Your transferred hyperbole is irrelevant and erroneous.
I think the real parable here would be you can bring different breeds of dogs to a dog show.
No, because in a marriage you can indeed bring different races and ethnicities into a marriage, the accurate analogy to your "different breeds" perspective.
But that is irrelevant and thus doesn't illustrate the point that gays/lesbians are not
definitively "a man and a woman", "a man and a woman" being the minimal requirement for a marriage,
by definition.
I used the cat and dog analogy because it accurately and clearly illustrates the
definitive propriety crux of this matter.
It is also easier for people to then understand how heterosexuals would be definitively rightly opposed to the inappropriate inclusion of gays/lesbians in marriage, just as dog owners would be definitively rightly opposed to the inappropriate inclusion of cats in a dog show.
Let's not go completely homophobic here.
This matter is not about homophobia.
Heterosexuals are no more homophobic when they oppose definitively inappropriate inclusion of gays/lesbians in marriage than dog owners are felinaphobic when they oppose the definitively inappropriate inclusion of cats into the dog show.
No matter how irrationally you've been agitated by pro-gay/lesbian marriage activists, this matter simply isn't about phobia in any way.
Flamebaiting by insinuating that an anti-gay/lesbian marriage position is about homophobia is erroneous and unbecoming of a rational debator.
Gay marriage doesn't affect me or my heterosexualness in any way and hurts no one.
It doesn't matter whether the substance of gay/lesbian attempts to marry affects you or not.
It doesn't matter whether the substance of gay/lesbian attempts to marry hurts no one in any way or not.
What matters is that gay/lesbian marriage is
definitively inappropriate and thus rational reason and common sense must be opposed to it.
And if you don't think that definitive propriety is
highly important in
every walk of daily life, simply look at the contents label on any multi-ingredient package of food ... and be thankful there are laws that make it illegal for manufacturers to call chiuauas "beef".
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