It isn't really a matter of belief.
Of course it is. Anthropogenic global warming is a matter of faith, not science. The whole scam is built upon computer models that not only can't accurately predict the past, or produce results that match observed data, but don't have a prayer of predicting the future.
I am a big fan of science and Global Warming falls under that realm.
Science is interested in the natural factors that have resulted in climate change throughout the history of the earth. Far sharper and more severe changes, by the way, than anything that we are seeing now.
Pseudoscience on the other hand is interested in fabricating a hoax for the purpose of lining its pockets with money and aquiring political power. If you are interested in anthropogenic global warming, which has been disproven, then you are not intersted in science.
I don't "believe" in dark energy or dark matter. I don't "believe" in string theory, or the unified field theory. Tomorrow, somebody may come up with a theory or evidence that turns any of those concepts on their heads and I'd be happy to accept it.
And yet, when you see evidence that CO2 is not causing global warming, you get defensive, wring your hands a few times, and go into a clinical state of denial spouting how pro science you are.
That's what science is all about: never being satisfied with the status quo, always digging deeper to find a clearer picture of life around us.
And yet, when shown evidene that CO2 is not causing warming, and that the temperature of the earth is actually in decline, you reject it out of hand in favor of your religion.
While GW should reside mostly in the scientific realm, it unfortunately has become a political battleground.
Anthropogenic global warming is entirely political.
I am more than willing to let time and science reveal the true nature of this phenomenon... or figment of our imagination.
You have been shown hard scientific evidence that CO2 isn't warming the atmosphere and you reject it. Then you turn around and say that you are willing to let science settle the matter. What a hypocrite.
So I'll let science do its work... and we'll see in time the picture more clearly.
Climate science, being a pseudoscience whose primary interest lies in truckloads of grant money and political power, is never going to show you a clear picture. If you want to see what actual science has to say about the issue, then ask physicists, and chemists who have stated all along that the idea of CO2 causing global warming not only has no basis in actual science, but flies in the face of the second law of thermodynamics.
Here is a little quiz for you. Answer it as honestly as you can and then tell me how you can place any faith at all in the "scientists" who are promoting anthropogenic global warming.
1. What is the "correct" (or expected) mean temperature of the Earth?
2. Can this be determined to within
a. Several degrees (C)
b. One degree
c. One-tenth of one degree
d. One one-hundredth?
3. What is the current mean temperature of the planet?
4. Can this be determined to within
a. Several degrees (C)
b. One degree
c. One-tenth of one degree
d. One one-hundredth?
5. What is Earth's precise albedo?
6. Can this currently be stated to within
a. Several percent
b. One percent
c. One-tenth of one percent
d. One one-hundredth?
7. Are net climate feedbacks
a. Positive
b. Negative
c. Neutral
d. Unknown?
8. Can we accurately account for how energy moves through the system?
9. Do we know all climate forcings, their values and signs?
10. Do we know enough about the climate to make confident predictions
a.One Week
b. One Month
c. One Year
d. One Decade
e. One Century into the future?