buh bye house majority leader

Let me know when he actuly has a plan, its funny for a econ prof...he stated he had no econ plan...yet ran for office. But till then, eat your own, we will sit back and enjoy republican cannibalism...Right wing nut jobs are bad for the natio, but since we can't stop them, may aswell enjoy the show.

He was right though. He's not a nut, he understands Econ.
thats special...to bad he still had no plan. Krugman has a Nobel in it and PHD...but you never listen to him do you?
Yes and still wonder why anyone pays attention to him. Was.he ever elected to anything ? But more to the point do you think a first term rep will be setting the framework for all or be a resource weighing economic data ?
Sounds like if anything it is "orchestrated" by central American governments - not really our own.
So the Central American government is so strong that the American Government is helpless to stop tens of thousands of illegals flooding our Country every week?

Your denial is amazing.
So the Central American government is so strong that the American Government is helpless to stop tens of thousands of illegals flooding our Country every week?

Your denial is amazing.

A government not caring and refusing to enforce law is not the same as actively orchestrating a flood of illegal immigration. Of course we could stop it if we wanted to - but Washington doesn't want to. That doesn't mean Washington is putting them on buses, or running ads, to get them up here.
A government not caring and refusing to enforce law is not the same as actively orchestrating a flood of illegal immigration. Of course we could stop it if we wanted to - but Washington doesn't want to. That doesn't mean Washington is putting them on buses, or running ads, to get them up here.
By washington you mean the tea party....Dems and Moderate Republicans are ready to move....tea baggers are holding it up ( and scaring moderates from voting how they want). record Number of People deported under Obama, at least for some time there as a net gain of zero illegals ( some still crossed but just as many went back) > I think it was McCain who basicly said if this Bill is not Strong enough, then Immigration is not your real issue.
Yes and still wonder why anyone pays attention to him. Was.he ever elected to anything ? But more to the point do you think a first term rep will be setting the framework for all or be a resource weighing economic data ?

you want to know what I think the little man your tea bag party voted for who has never done anything, and yet has no plan for his only area of Experties...but you felt was the best choice? But you go ahead and pretend play college debate and find one economic framework all will agree with....Maybe you can get evryone to agree on a Religion as well.
A government not caring and refusing to enforce law is not the same as actively orchestrating a flood of illegal immigration. Of course we could stop it if we wanted to - but Washington doesn't want to. That doesn't mean Washington is putting them on buses, or running ads, to get them up here.

Planeloads of illegals arrive in Massachusetts...

These are commercial ICE owned planes. Who has the power to authorize this? Where do you think the money is coming from to transport all these illegals? How do they know where to pick these illegals up and transport them too?

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