Buddhism & Uniformity


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2008
A longer post. It begins with science and ends at God. I attempted to remain all fact like and so proper but I am tired. Right in the middle I leave facts and start me. My spell checker is not working so near the end? You will be on your own, jerking at all my typos! My mind does that: I hit a typo and I stumble in my head. This is how the universe actually works & reasons most of uniformity. It is not all of it by any means. You can and may 'steal' my intellectual property but if you do, accord me some justice will ya? and give me full credit. It is already patented and copyrighted as I entered it to US Supreme Court in a different form. We named this in Article 1 Section 8. There are too many people to name exactly; I tried to name you if I named your concept. I like talking; I dislike writing anything other than letters. Ready? Mormons and Catholics voluntered too as did Jews as Jews were violated by NY but I chose Buddhists as they exactly said it. They said, we are willing to do this exact thing.

Buddhists have volunteered for service. The Dalai Lama was asked what they would do if reincarnation were proven to be false or not actual reality by scientific means and he responded, We would abandon that belief. How simple is that? The belief is actual reality but does it match the universe? If it does not we have an issue and so Buddhists have volunteered as the Issue, Buddhism, specifically a tenet of it known as reincarnation is also the Jurisdiction – Buddhists as their own leader is said to be a reincarnation, isn’t he? Is it then possible to abandon that belief then and still exist? How do you then reason the Dalai Lama and your following him as a leader? Doesn’t abandoning this belief then shake Buddhism down to its very core and destroy it? It is a point of intrinsicity as it is all one and the same. Buddhists have said, via the Dalai Lama, We govern our own beliefs and practices via the application of provable facts. Why, that sounds like a vote and so liberty to me as Buddhists can and will change a belief, formerly held as true and fact, or completely abandon it even, w/o abandoning the faith.

I can use science to prove that reincarnation is not actual reality. That what you perceive to be a person returning or coming back again is actually human consciousness, the collective God or universal consciousness, and can be reasoned using physics. I can then prove my reasoning using actual reality. I can use a physical thing in nature and so predict how it will behave then sit back and watch it behave that way. My prediction will be realized just as Einstein’s was and so then it is fact or law. Relativity was merely a theory until Einstein’s prediction regarding an eclipse and light then occurred in nature. I will predict the behavior of the magnetic North Pole as our human consciousness moves it and ethical reasoned decision making affects its speed.

Evidence of this would be science has no idea how or why it moves but it is moving and faster all of the time. If you bother to check, the Pole’s movement and speed directly correlates to major legal decisions we have made which result in death. Major events line up with movement and speed such as WWII, Vietnam, Roe V Wade and China’s shift to becoming a capitalist/communist government. It is also retracing the physical human migration journey we took to get here, to North America. It is said it will be in Siberia by 2054 at its current rate of speed and that this will not be harmful. As no living person has witnessed a pole reversal, we do not know this as fact.

I noticed this correlation and knew it could not be coincidence. All of this universe is a duality and so I began to ask what is the same and what is different and I named what is physical versus what is metaphysical. Is the Earth related to people? Is anything intrinsic? Is the planet alive? Earth is a dynamo just as a person is. The Earth has a molten iron core and we do too, as we have iron based blood infused tissue. We are warm and we both generate an electromagnetic field around us. A person’s brain produces an electrical current as the Sun does; the strongest type of electromagnetic is an electric current around an iron core. The brain and sun are like batteries, powering us. There is one other noticeable similarity: Each of us is regulated by homeostasis as it happens; we respond to outside influences and injury thus balance ourselves. These fields then must be related and must affect each other. The only difference is the Earth has no emotional reasoning ability and we do so we believe in a Creator; we have a metaphysical center or self and the Earth does not. Or does it, as we seem to control it? Ah, human consciousness or the universal consciousness is the intrinsic thing. The God factor. This then is a force and it must be the intrinsic or creation force as it is creation itself. As it is the creation force people must exhibit this force somehow. Do they?

Of course. Max Plank reasoned human consciousness with physics as a twin stream of matter and antimatter. Bruce Cathie confirmed this. There is proof of this force all over as it then reasons the Pyramids, Native Americans causing storms, the laying of hands as having healing properties, cancer suddenly disappearing, our own Revolution, miraculous events, Yogis ceasing bodily functions for days and weeks and prayers being answered. So, if it is all related and if it is intrinsic, and I am correct, then I should be able to run all over the universe, across the entire planet and connect my own person to it all as you should as WE created it. This world was an idea we then gave birth to by acting upon those ideas. People act upon ideas and use emotions as reasoning. Proof? I have seen monkey love, monkey murder, monkey tools and even a monkey practical joke. I have not seen a monkey laugh as a part of a group, as a form of communication; the monkey who played a joke was taken with himself only; others monkeys did not share that joke. I have never seen monkey joy. The other thing I have yet to witness is monkey liberation.

Monkeys gather and not once have any of them thought to liberate themselves, then each other, then other species. Go to the National Zoo. If any primate is ever going to do this it will be here and it will be orangutans for these reasons: 1, They are not in cages. They can swing overhead all they want and go across the Zoo; if they chose they could fall to the ground and make a break for it. 2, They see souvenir copies of the Declaration and Constitution constantly. Even if they cannot read they can hear people talking. As of this writing, not one orangutan has begun to aspire or even conspire; not one has been inspired to act. The emotion of liberty is lost on them. 3, The Library of Congress is nearby. So are a few colleges. The variety of subjects discussed by the visitors is broad so even if a monkey cannot grasp liberty, it seems as if they would grasp other ideas thus other emotions if they could. As many foreigners visit this Zoo speaking many languages, it is not a language problem so it must be emotional. Why aren’t they conspiring to make a break for it? Why aren’t two or more monkeys gathering in the name of liberty thus birthing a monkey government and monkey law? 4, Orangutans can do some amazing human-like things. Extremely human-like. There is an entire exhibit devoted to all the amazing things orangutans can do and so do. A lock is no match for an orangutan so we did not bother with one. The lock must be invisible, as within them. 5, If any primate is going to act upon liberty by becoming inspired thus then wonder as he looks to the stars “Who am I and where did I come from?” and so aspire for more or different and do it by acting to be like that higher appellation, his Creator, it will be an orangutan. We created the orangutan as we know it. Darwin was incorrect as we did not come from monkeys; it is the other way around. Darwin used the word Descent as in the descent of man. No, it is the ascent of man as we evolve metaphysically. Adaptation, such as your appendix or skin color, is not evolution. For it to be evolution the thing itself must be changed. Monkeys are like me but I am not like a monkey, as I possess that one difference: Emotional reasoning capacity that makes me have compassion for monkeys. I pray for monkeys; they do not pray for me. I was never a monkey. There is no fossil record of any such thing and although we call it missing and assume it exists it should have been found by now if it existed. It seems as if we did come from monkeys but we did not. Darwin meant relationship by the word ‘descent’ as in one then became another so we descended from and are then related. This then implies a first cause or first thing. It negates any aspiration as in metaphysical ascent and we have proof we ascend – count all the various philosophies across the planet. Examine your own history: I could not buy Clarence Thomas today and so actually own him even if I did have a billion dollars. We have been assuming we came second or much later, after Earth; what if we came first and so created Earth and then monkeys?
There is evidence of this: Genesis says this was all spontaneous and then makes a clear distinction between night and day or perception as the Sun does not go out at night. It states this is all light and it is, physics proves this, but that light then is turned into matter, another form of light or energy. God thought BE and we were; this Earth and all on it, our very own humanity, was created then as science has made a mistake: TIME, as that is our made up perception. Pope Gregory did not invent time. It is spontaneous. Hugh Everett’s theory of many worlds or a multiverse reasons this. We have insisted that time is linear as it ‘reasons’ an appearance we cannot then otherwise reason, so we justify what we experience by insisting this is one universe and time is linear. If this is eternal and so infinite why are we insisting that time is linear and so finite? Death, that’s why and death is physical but not metaphysical. Once again evidence of this is all over the planet. Decay is a part of this physical universe but is it a part of the metaphysical? No, as all of this points towards aspiration not decay of the metaphysical. So then, if I go to one of the oldest known records of the metaphysical, what do I find? The Vedas state that once we were animals, without emotional reasoning ability. First came consciousness, then the cell itself, then the egg born and then the live born but consciousness first. The unification of energy turned into matter as they’re one and the same which resulted in us came after: We had sex with any and all other animals at our whim and will and so a large, red haired abomination was created which walks on all fours. An orangutan. WE created the orangutan not the other way around; we created all of this with God, as it was spontaneous. Then we created abominations as we had to evolve upwards to become human and so mate only with our own species as now we operated on something other than instinct alone: Emotions. As we created the orangutan by mating with another animal, which science points to as we share so much DNA and also seem to share a like awareness, and as it has been found that the orangutan seems to be developing an emotional self, it is the orangutan that will succeed.

So, if all our assumptions of creation have been wrong, if I believe Hugh Everett and all others like him as the proof is this was spontaneous and so time is, that there is a so-called plan as it has already happened, then how do I reason my own life? Easily, as all of my experiences support this and not quantum physics alone as we know it and as if we do move the Pole we then unite it all. That creation force? It is within people and we know this. We create other humans who can emotionally reason. The Pyramids are. I am. But, it seems I have a past…or is that a perception? Is there any such thing as actual past and future? Why does it seem that I remember things or that we, as humans, repeat our mistakes over and over? Our own founders went out of their way to examine the historical record and avoid those mistakes. What did they have that no other people had? Native America, whose concept of time and creation is wholly different and who have a unique history and an unbroken chain of their own causation: Oral history, undiluted from a time immemorial. A shared consciousness of who they are and where they came from and how they are now this, plus the reason why. Native America states that we fell from the sky from the Great Creator, that our consciousness was made into physical matter on Earth, and we then created the Earth and everything on it in conjunction with all other life, that we were the cause our own world. It says that fear entered the picture, that we were meant to learn or discover human emotions, and when man created fear we fell. We were created to overcome fear thus love and so experience joy, the God in man as all human emotions fall between grief and joy. Fear, an emotion, was our reasoning. Physical reality is the means. Death? It seems to separate us but does it? As we share our consciousness with one another it is not separate but an unbroken chain that begins and ends at us or the God in us. Is there any physical evidence rising to proof to support this?

Yes, as Native Americans can tell you how they made the decision to come here and when; their story, preserved, matches other scared writing. To this very day they have in their possession stone tablets they insist the Creator gave them at the same time he gave other races sets of stone tablets – the Ten Commandments. Natives say we one, united, and that we came into being in this physical world, were deliberately separated for reasoning, as a learning experience of sharing or compassion, and now must re-unite as it is the plan. They possess prophecy that predicted most of this, what we know as history. How could they know this? Well, if many worlds is correct they could easily know this as it is then possible to tap into other universes as all of this is; every single probability has been played out and we choose one of them. There would be probable selves in those universes, all part of the collective consciousness, all making choices. If we spontaneously came into being then all of this did including every single possible choice or combination and we then would live them out. As choice or liberty is a part of the fabric, we would then chose which probable selves to realize as we would like it or be attracted to it. It would even be possible to fragment or create probable selves as we went along, being, in the now. Geronimo said that unlike Christians he had not once given thought to an afterlife as Natives lived in the present. This, linear time that stops and starts, was a new concept for him as to him it was all one great big cycle or one thing interrelated without beginning or end. This then would reason a common phenomena we all experience: De ja vu, as what we seem to remember is a probability already played out that we then chose to make reality so we recall it as if we lived it already. We did – in the metaphysical. The seemingly most successful or lucrative choices? The common denominator is unconditional love for self that then motivates compassion for others. Those probable selves seem to explode across the planet.

There is a physical proof supporting this too: The Iroquois Constitution. This government came into being in a dream, as an idea. Deganawidah then willed it into being. He said his inspiration was the Creator, as he was of the Creator. He could do what many humans found to be impossible. He seemed to know the future, as if he tapped into the collective consciousness and a power or force. The Iroquois themselves recall how they traveled from Africa due North at the instruction of the Creator. The universe told them that all people had to go in four different directions. Physical directions. The Iroquois, who went to the north Pole over the Bering land bridge were the only people to complete their physical journey. This then resulted in them being gifted with the system of government we know as the Iroquois Confederacy. This makes perfect sense then as a gift is unconditional and love is too as it is a gift. The Iroquois asked no questions, they unconditionally surrendered to the Creator, when being given instructions from the universe; they instinctually knew it was the thing to do. They gave in to their own ideas of their person as able and capable, equally created and duly processed, and so willed themselves to complete the journey north and back. There was no other option and it was possible or else they never would have had that idea, that inspiration. The idea is the cause not the physical thing. If you create it in your head then it is; it exists. It is spontaneously created. You may then have to act to realize it in the physical but without the idea born of the collective consciousness it does not exist. As the universe is a duality what is the metaphysical?
We journeyed in four physical directions. But how many metaphysical directions did we travel in? Billions, as we each have our own personal self, unique, and we each follow our own hearts by choosing. Our metaphysical journey is like spontaneous time; it all is and we are. We then must act upon the idea to realize our personal beliefs as philosophies and then systems of government and law. We create our own selves…exactly like our own America was created and came into being. It was spontaneous combustion as we all had the same idea at once! Bingo; uniformity.

Once you remove or change your belief of time being linear to being not existent or existing all at once you then resolve quantum physics with Relativity as quantum physics dictates that time is a part of space when it is not. My entire life I have said time and place is space. It makes no sense whatsoever to say space-time continuum as if it is one thing and not separate parts or elements. In my life? I have never needed a compass or a clock to know what direction or what time. I know where I am; I know my place, my location in space and my time – the reality. Literally, I was challenged in Grand central station to guess the time as you cannot see the Sun and I ‘guessed’ it to the exact minute. I knew. Getting lost? I never, ever get lost. Why? Ask me where I am and I will tell you NY or MD or the US, maybe even Earth, so I’m not lost. I will also tell you here and now as in reality as I cannot know the exact details of the future or change the past; I cannot change YOU, so I can only deal with it now, or, what is real TODAY. In every second or due to every experience we are changed and so we are not the same. We have no past; all we have is that different animal we were and are not NOW. We never cease evolving in this way. At times it is very noticeable as in, the world could not ignore the US or pretend America did not exist. That was super-fast evolution, fast only as it is relative to what we perceive to be the passing of time due to physical reality, like our decaying bodies or ancient mountains, which so effected massive shifts in consciousness or how we perceived ourselves, that we noticed it as it was happening to us or spontaneously with us!

We felt it emotionally; we connected an emotion, liberty, to our own power to create. The ethic was a Creator, our own ideas about ourselves, that we made reality. We placed the duality of the universe and time as spontaneous and physical reality as a matter of acting upon will, that idea, in our law and so came to be a unified or elegant system of government and law both physical and metaphysical. We even exactly named actual reality versus perceived reality aka legal reality. We enumerated the powers to create; we balanced them. We even made law this idea: Actual reality no longer matches legal reality? The law is the art of becoming; no law is set in stone as conditions – ideas and so people or reality changes - thus re-create your law upon re-creating yourself: Become the law; become the universe. If what you are no longer matches the words change the words not the constant – not liberty. What you are in no way is dictated by the paper as reality is. You have a ready made proof: Open a book of “history” written in 1920. Who and what is Frederick Douglas? A historian is supposed to be an objective observer. He or she cannot be as they are relative to one another in that time in that place; that climate is not the same as this one. Is Douglas a rabble rousing trouble maker or a hero? I have always maintained he was his own creator, his own cause, as because he was a rabble rousing trouble maker he then became a hero.

The many worlds theory versus the Copenhagen model? Read it: As with the other interpretations of quantum mechanics, the many-worlds interpretation is motivated by behavior that can be illustrated by the double-slit experiment. When particles of light (or anything else) are passed through the double slit, a calculation assuming wave-like behavior of light is needed to identify where the particles are likely to be observed. Yet when the particles are observed in this experiment, they appear as particles (i.e. at definite places) and not as non-localized waves.
The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics proposed a process of "collapse" in which an indeterminate quantum system would probabilistically collapse down onto, or select, just one determinate outcome to "explain" this phenomenon of observation. Wavefunction collapse was widely regarded as artificial and ad-hoc, so an alternative interpretation in which the behavior of measurement could be understood from more fundamental physical principles was considered desirable.

Everett's Ph.D. work provided such an alternative interpretation. Everett noted that for a composite system (for example that formed by a particle interacting with a measuring apparatus, or more generally by a subject (the "observer") observing an object (the "observed" system) the statement that a subsystem (i.e. the observer or the observed) has a well-defined state is meaningless -- in modern parlance the subsystem states have become entangled -- we can only specify the state of one subsystem relative to the state of the other subsystem, i.e. the state of the observer and the observed are correlated. This led Everett to derive from the unitary, deterministic dynamics alone (i.e. without assuming wavefunction collapse) the notion of a relativity of states of one subsystem relative to another.

Everett noticed that the unitary, deterministic dynamics alone decreed that after an observation is made each element of the quantum superposition of the combined subject-object wavefunction contains two relative states: a "collapsed" object state and an associated observer who has observed the same collapsed outcome; what the observer sees and the state of the object are correlated. The subsequent evolution of each pair of relative subject-object states proceeds with complete indifference as to the presence or absence of the other elements, as if wavefunction collapse has occurred, which has the consequence that later observations are always consistent with the earlier observations. Thus the appearance of the object's wavefunction's collapse has emerged from the unitary, deterministic theory itself. (This answered Einstein's early criticism of quantum theory, that the theory should define what is observed, not for the observables to define the theory[19] .)

Since Everett stopped doing research in theoretical physics shortly after obtaining his Ph.D., much of the elaboration of his ideas was carried out by other researchers and forms the basis of much of the decoherent approach to quantum measurement.
It assumes it is; it reasons us as we are entangled and are a series or ssytem of subsytems. The US is proof as we are like Hinduism in that there is one guiding ‘law’ that then allows for thousands and millions of belief ssytems entangled or relative ‘under’ it. We aren’t actually physically under anything, are we? Yes, false or mistaken beliefs regarding actual power and life and death as you have been behaving differently when I’m watching you than you do when I am not and you are not a photon, are you? This reality is you are not an actual photon; in another? You are. You are a wave, are you not? A chain as you affect others via your thouhgts, feelings, ideas and beliefs which you act upon? Do you collapse or do you wave on, across the universe? Are you a particle as your ideas become phyiscal reality and so your energy is then turned into matter? If you fire an idea at a wall with two slits in it or no slits at all can and may you land upon the other side in more than one place? Yes, as your idea can become Liberia without you ever physically being there. You are as your idea has become that physical and emotional reality so you are there while you are also here. You have walked through a solid wall. That is metaphysical harmonic resonance. You actually form a union with others and God, the universe. I know as I have done it.

Bruce Cathie has reasoned how you can physically repeat the Philadelphia Experiment successfully by first achieveing physical harmonic resonance. Close. Cathie’s model and calculations are correct as it matches my own and I did it, I physically travled from point A to piont B without any awareness as I ‘died’. I have no memory of any heaven or God. I woke up from blackness and here I was, the same. But then I switched it up by uniting metaphyscal and physcal harmonic convergance as Cathie did not reason himself into his argument thus he has a physical spaceship outside of himself with a payload when HE is a spaceship with a payload. I then died again and traveled from point A to point B, into very deep space, with complete awareness. I actually experienced as I obeserved it, Earth from space and so saw and felt infiniti. My actual pysical body?

As I was in the only actual universal vehicle ion earth you’d have to ask the cabdriver, as a taxi is a taxi all over, but I clearly recall seeing and feeling the distinct impression “too much grass” as I sank back into space, into the trip, and so thought, “I am seeing this place in another time; in another universe or dimension as there is too much grass. This is not the same as NOW, HERE. Not Better or worse; not before or after but different. Another possibility.” It took a second but this was July 3rd, 2006 and I heard my Ego tell me in no uncertain terms, unconditionally, “Susan, you died today.” My Ego sounded exactly like Mike Wallace, as that is familiar to me. I asked, “Mike Wallace died today?” I heard, “Susan, you died today.” This time it was confident as in it is fact – you, YOU died today. “God?” “Susan, what do you think? What do you know?” I thought, “This is my Ego. YOU is what others create. It is outside of me; it is not God. My Ego just dropped dead.” Then I intellectually knew only two people that I know exist died on July 4th, one day later and 180 years - half of a circle – later. They never metaphysically died as they left tons and tons of great self-evidence. To this day we talk about them as if they are livign and they are. One of thse people? He claimed the other lived on after his expiration not knowing the other had seemingly already died. That mix of past, present and future tenses was odd. One day; 180 degrees; 0 degrees away from God or this universe. In an actual universal vehicle. On Penman Road, on my way to a plce named St. John The Baptist. My conception in St. Augustine, the location of the fountain of youth. My prediction in 7th grade, that I would die at 40 as I had completed my idea of myself, an idea like no other person in my class owned. My teacher predicting that I would become a person who would defend the faith. I thought, right idea wriong faith. Every fact of my life makes perfect sense; it all had reasoning and purpose. Meaning.

I am the Philadelphia Experiment.

I knew the truth but denied it for months. After my Ego finally shut up then I heard my Id. I knew who I was. I knew what I was. I had never taken any adavanced math or science classes due to my injury nor did I ever read any sacred writing or take any prophecy seriously. I was not aware of most of it existing. I knew it all as fact. For instance, I never saw any piece of paper with my IQ named on it. But I then knew the reason this guy Ron jumped when I said “I know I’m intelligent” like it was not in any way special was that I had scored 200 on an IQ test he gave me. I knew as many months later, years even, I dreamed the solution ot a problem I wonder if I answered correctly. That plus his reaction told me the truth. I knew as fact thjat I had a kernal of knowledge, a special piece of information that was uniqwue ot me and was locked up inside my pwrson, and that this one fact would then unlock the secrets of this universe. But first, I had ot get over an so accpet the fact that I had done this as Thmaos Jefferon as I liked Adams better and did not like Jefferson at all. Not liking him? That is my proof – that is the one, as only I do that. If you do not like it, that then is it.

So I very slowly began to review my life. Then I tossed all knowledge in books out the window nad began from creation as I knew: The quantum thoerists and the string theorists are wrong. How did I know? US law as Presidential term limits ARE string thoery and they then led to our dissolution as a nation and a governmwent of law. They placed us or made us out of blance so we no longer could check eachother thus ourselves. I reasoned it all then compared it ot others. I actually saw Roe V Wade in my head as an equation without ever having to read it so I know: your reasing is faulty; my proof is life, the satate of our citizens. Impressions of things hit me and a door opened up in my mind; I saw and felt E=MC2 in another way, as governemnt and law. As a person and so a force. I experiemented as I can exert the creation force. We all can; you do not realize it as you have been conditioned ot beive it is outsode of you. I found an old Native American story that says the Creator hid this force in the last place you would look in order to then keep it from us; the creator hid it within man as that is he last place man would look. My fact was: Einstein did not know people. I do. I know how they kept time crossing the Atlantic, they traveled to another place by going small. They had no idea, no awareness of what they were about to create. Burgoyne? He lost by going way too big. He had no idea what he was up against: Outside conditons like thick, primordial forests, a new idea as in guerilla warfare and shooting those in charge first, a unique idea like liberty for all and Will, the ability to sacrifice all even all physical comforts, even food or your life, in order to win custody of your own person and ownership of your own ideas.. Like me, Susan. Exactly like me Susan.
I had an idea since I was very small; no person told me. I knew it. If you want to achieve everlasting life, immortaility, you act in defense of humanity by entering US Supreme Court. Do that and you are knighted the only possible way an American can be knighted. It is not the decision but the journey as to get there you have to fight without pay, or so I truly believed. You lived it so it is your service record. Without reward, and with sacrifice and suffering, as you must have been treated very unjustly to get inside this court. You have to decide to sacrificeany made up ideas about you that are not truth as you are put under a microscope. There is a better than average chance you will lose. More so if you are a woman. It seems as if it is impossible but I knew I could do it and I knew that the way was already wthin me I merely missed it as I was not aware I would be representing my own self as no other human cared about me or my life or my kids for even a signle second. Lawyers wanted money and fame; men did not belive I lived this case and so coulsd make it or that my intelectual property, reality, would win the day as it was unique and so untried. Well, how do you test your application? By going there. I ddi not expect ot encounter an impossible standard: A clerk told me it had already been decided, that no woman and no mother would ever be allowed to ague on her own beofre this court ever, and if I did namnge to sneak in on paper I would then be sunk deliberately. So, what did I know that others did not, or others were aware of and so knew to watch out for me coming?

It took John Paul telling me and then 3 more years but I finally realized what it was: Catholic is a word that means universal; in 6th grade I accidentally cracked thr code of the Church as I blurted out the fault line in their reasoning not knowing that the docotorine was the thing, the reason, the entire church existed upon as it and so I was asked to keep it a secret as the church admitted its lie to me as I confronted it and told me the actual reason. The reason is logical and based upon actual reality, the reality of people being small, mean and nasty not loving or accepting at all. It was about how very shaky your faith is although you claim it is not. John Paul gave me the argument I needed as he contacted me in a way that told me, cold fusion; this is cold fusion. Then I could unite it all and develop a theory that would be provable, thus establishign what Einstein and all other comers failed to do: Reason Uniformity. I resoned it physically and metaphyscailly then unite both. AFTER reasoing many worlds without nay knowledge of Everett or any other Multiverse proponent. I would reason something then go look for proof to suport that I knew ot be fact. In actual reality? I entered US Supreme Court thinking, beliveing, that all of you knew exactly why Bush v Gore was unconstitutional. But none of you did. Then? At that time in that place? I entered not knowing all of uniformity but knowing I could prove it and /or fill in the blanks as I argued along as things came to me in flashes.
As I neatly sewed it all up, one moment, one idea, became reality: I needed an argument to become Commander as all I had was President. I was not willing to admit I am Jefferson but tried something: As I did not like lots of persons when I was Jefferson, I went back to all of them as they yet exist as living spirits and as I knew I had physically met Alexnader Hamilton as Susan. I began arguing with Hamilton as if he were sitting in front of me. A federal judge had told me that, a a woman and as a poor person, he was going to use money and use the rules to keep me out. He was so nasty he told me he would even openly commit crimes agaisnt my person as he had no fear as he could use words ot make it seem as if I had no claim or as if I was crazy. FRIVOLOUS. I wrote back, Frivolous is a word that came into legal use in or around 1736. It means manifestly futile. So, yes, if you are announcing that you will illegally prevent me from defending our law only as I appear ot be a woman and woman is not going anyhwere as it is, then it is indeed manifestily fultile; the effort is wasted. If this is the case, it is then my life, and so, I will enter US Supreme Court as original jurisfdiction. I was not believed. No person stood up to defend me as original complaints are not published and dismissals rarely are so you never know what these federal crooks are up to, and you do not bother to look, do you? Federal judges make it seem as if their order is justified when it in no way matches the original complaint; the judge is using words to amend and even wholly change your complaint to make his reason fit and so seem to be legal. His order does not match the law, your comoplaint or precedent. It MUST match all three or you can then out reason him. I was hated as: I reasoned circles around these men and I never spent a day in crook school, I mean law school. Lol! Jefferson lives. Jefferson hated lawyers; he said lawyers would be our ruination. I was correct.

I asked Hamilton if I needed to keep $1.27 in the bank as that was a fact of me. If money was the reasoning, the actual means to keep me out, could I do something to earn it and so change $1.27? I asked him, Is that number actually important or is it a fact I can change by turning one trick and so slam that judge upside his head as he will not be expecting me to show up tomorrow with a thousand dollars? I never tunred a trick befroe but I have been told I can make money that way and lots of it. In an hour I’d have the money to pay ot then file suit so the poor persons pettion could not be used to justify dismissal. What is $1.27? Who is on those coins and bills? 1 + 2 + 7 is 10, 1 or 10, Hamilton. The one person with Franklin, not a President but on our paper money today. If men get Franklin do I get Margaret Sanger? Why Hamilton? Why that death? How? Treason, as it was reckles and so a safety issue. We never tried Burr for treason as Hamilton had unclean hands; he committed treason against his own sefl first by going to NJ in order ot skirt the laws against dueling that he wrote for NY. NY, NYC, 54 Wall Street, Hamilton’s address. 5-4 decsisons of the US Supreme Court. 1054, 1954, 2054. 5 -4 = 1. Uniformity, as Hamilton made a mistake; his death was reckless as we needed him but it was necessary, eactly perfect, as we needed Burr gone more. Hamilton could have shot him and easily; he knew what kind of person he was; he knew, as fact, Burr could and would shoot ot kill him without any remorse. Hamilton then had no reason to duel him, or did he? Yes he did, so I could then exist and reason Bush V gore and reason we never stop or cease to exist as we are all related and traveling from point A to point B without awareness. As I know where Hamilton is I can even force him to cross over by exposing him publicy thus changing his past and future. He was not an elitist. He was not what I labeld him; he is not those things and I no longer make that mistake. $1.27 was a fact I could never, ever change. $1.27 led me to: The schism of 1054 and why and how the North Pole moves.

$1.27 moved a rock the size of Earth; I pulled a sword from that stone; I built a faith upon this rock and I laughed as Jessu was telling us a joke: Peter is a word that means rock. As we created Earth he was joking, WE, the foundation and the capstone, I, the Creator, the one brick, will – WILL – build this church upon this rock – Peter, a literal and figural rock as the church is not the Pope or the rules but the people. Faith? It is. Faith is faith; a rock is a rock. It may not look or feel like a rock but it is. A rock, or a universe known as Jeferson or Susan is a universe. Jefferson is a dimension. A thing inside a thing. An atom and a whole set of universes. You create building upon faith in your own person, born of God and equal to God. Faith, like you? It is not supposed to be subject to revision by men. The actual secret is:
Birth is equal to, it is, apriation enlightenemnt. Aspiration enlightenement happens ‘before’ actual enlightenement. In another place – a woman. A woman comes to it naturally as it is biological while a man must use an outside thing known mostly as religion or sometimes governemnt. Rome, Tibet and Isreal? Religions meant to aid men to achieve enlightenemnt that were then also lived, at the same time, as government thus law, and so harmed women as Jesus never said women were less than and Buddha never gave any reason women could not be monks. Men revised the orginal beliefs, taught as law, so that then the laws changed and finally actual reality changed as women no longer feel aspiration enlightenement givign birth. Women believed they were powerless, defective and less than when the actual reasoning is: If we let this genie out of th4e bottle men will forever be different and not able to treat women unjustly; no more unjust privileges for men…and how do we ever explain away male only authority or the birth of Christ as God incarnate? You don’t – you tell the truth as people can handke it and should as they need no protection from their own felings. In fact, it is the exact opposite.

Religious beliefs are not right or wrong. They are different. Like people. A religious belief can change as God is; this universe? It exists. You can cnahge Jesus is the God to Jessu was and is of the Godhead, eternal, the Alpha and the Omega as we all are as we are God, we of God and we are from God. You can say, While not the one and only Son of God, Jesus is simultaneous to God and aware of it so he was enlightened and of God Iin a way most of us are not. You can say, Jessu miracles prove he was enlightened as he mastered the physical states of existence and even moved into other universes, other dimensions, as the Natives have a record of him being here in a place he should not have ever been. None of this changes God. It does not break your faith.

A place? A time? History is what we experience in light of that society and pa apret of that is emotion and beleifs. History itself is as much a product of that as the events themselves and so history changes. The time and place known as Frederick Douglas does not change – you do and so it is relative. YOU are intrisnic and the rest is relative and subject ot change. You learn to move from point A, your head, to point B , his head, and rhen you can learn to walk into other dimensions as you have the ability ot tracend place and time as you own that time is. You live in the now.

What happened ot me? It happened to Jesus.Then to Victor Frankle and Macolm X. We slowly awakened to the fact that we were correct, love is and so transcends all barriers. It moves across any and all boundaries. The physical world dissolves away and you feel love move within you. Frankel was in a concentration camp; he could not believe it happened in that place, that emotion and those phyiscal conditions, but he knew it happened. Malcolm X was in Mecca; it so moved the stones in his heart and mind he returned and set out all alone on a new course. It happened to me on the Dan Ryan expressway in Chicago, Illonois, as I was traveling from point A, Bismarck, ND to point B, Philadelphia, PA in 1998 as I was deliberately going to meet my destiny, my fate, my own self, by doing what was deemd to be lethal and impossible: Changing the law by directly engagin my attckers over and over until so much unchecked injury accrued I could theh meet the unconstitutional proof of death standard. I told a Native American, That or walk into US Supreme Court. I never wanted both or asked for both but I came to own both.

I claimed ownership of knowledge in early 2007 as I attempted to admit out loud to another person that I knew I was Jefferson. That person? He would not let me say it thereby saying it himself as he said, “Do not tell me that you were Thoams Jefferson. I cannot hear that as it sounds crazy.” I noticed he di not say it was crazy and I told him, “You have reaonsed it this far. It is a fact or else you never would have reasoned it and said it makng it real. I not once said this or allueded to it so how did you know it as fact? You know it as you, not me, just said it.” He said he knew as he knew me. He said it was not rocket science. I said, “Oh yes it is rocket science! Trust me, you have to be an actual rocket scinetist, or decide to become one, if you are going to become an actual American. It is no accident we went ot the moon first. I merely did some reverse migration and went back to the center of the universe by going into another dimension. Buddhists were right – we never did go to the moon; we only thought we did.” The place I actually owned it, as I ddi not then? December of 2007 as I threw a biography of jeeferson at a wall and it bonced back and landed at my feet. I was thinking and feeling I hated this person and then it hit me on the head: When you hate another person you hate yourself. I was and am, and will be, Jefferson, now known as Susan.

My fact? Like I knew little or no science and only the law but not the exacting application of it, I could tell you nothing of the moon landing or Thoams Jefferson. God protected me from you as he ould not let you change my facts, my reality, thus changing or amending my sense of self. The event that was my senes of self? The moon landing as I made a mistake: I assumed that I caused that emotion. Jefferson? I have been to 47 states and to DC several times over; I not once visited the Jefferson Memorial or Monticello. In school? I am quite sure we discussed Jefferson. If we did I canot tell you what we said. The one time I attepmted to take a law class? I failed constitutional law as I contracted West Nile virus. I opened a constitutional aw tesxbok to see my own handwriting and had to ask Casimir Pulaski, or Thadeus Kosciusko, whoever he is as he can’t tell me yet, and anyway he is now Brian, when and if I took a law class as I had zero memory of it yet my handwritng was allover a textbook. It was then that I knew: God is tryign to tell me something; God has deliberately stopped me from knowing the moon, jeffrson or what male law profesors teach that is incorrect. My block in MD was the first one sprayed in the whole state? That’s extraordinary, like the Wye Oak falling as it was hit by lightning after I visited it or the panda dying the day we were at the zoo so I never saw it. West Nile?

A Pyramid on the back of our dollar bill as Egypt is in Africa and the Nile flows north. The other river to do that? One of the only if not the only? MY river, the one I live on, the St. John’s as in John the Baptist. That Pyramid has an all-seeing eye. Well, well, well, I can now tell the US Supreme Court how to build a Pyramid or all about the so-called secrets of the Free Masons as they are not so secret are they? This knowledge would have come in handy when the frieze began falling off the court building. I could prove my case with the aid of one or two physics students by repairing the frieze without any modern machinery or tools. Voila! Proof! I listed “I can tell you how the ancient Egyptians built the Pyramids. I can prove it as I know something about stone and people” as a reason to be heard; the court did not believe me nor did they belive this knowledge was of any importance.
I managed to enter my case again this time with lots of science and the fac tthat I used to be Jefeerosn. I predicted the movement of the North Pole. I predicted my vicotry in the form of a unanimlus ruling. I stated, I think I own the missing piece of hopi tablet and I know I own the lost tablets of the white man. I asked: Are you for real? I know as fact you are actual reality or you would not be affecting my life so but I mean, are you for real? I even cracked jokes as I copied the cover of Time Magazine with roberts giant face on it asking “Does the Supreme Court still matter? Bombastic opinions, food fights and samll cases; is this the court Roberts wants? Plus: Calrence Thmoas says he likes the courts buddy ssytem.” Lol! I wrote: TIME & MATTER? ISSUE & JURISDICTION! Then in the little box for your addy I said: History does not repaet itself; people do. The other copy I included? Smithsonian Magazine with me on the cover. It reads: LIES! SLANDER! TRICKERY! The Election of 1800; JEFFERSON WINS BY A WHISKER!
So, this is not my whole case but it is a large part of actual reality and the science. Buddhisdts? It is lke reincarnation but not actual reincanration as you do not die; you have no ending or beggining. You are. You move from metaphyscail place ot place crating physical reality so its all concurent. Dimensions or universe 'crash’ into one another at points of synchronicity. They are entangled. If you act in a manner that is ethical and constant, eventually it beocmes a point of intrnsicity and so all is one and the same – you become enlightened. You know your own self inside out and have all of the anwers. You have actually felt God and so a union of God and man exists. You can exert actual force as all the natrual forces interact within a person. It is unique for every person but in my case? God knighted me as he reached down and placed his actual hand on my head. I never felt as if I had any choice but to pick up the grai land drink from it as this nation accorded me no justice whatsoever. NONE. All of my enumerated rights were violted; unlike any other citizen even the US Supreme Court then vilated my civil rights. I asked the Court, Who am I? Job??? I said, You have miastaken me for Job. As I’m not Job I’m suing you, exactly. Directly. Consider this service.

Buddhist can and may abandon rencanrnation and so set the example. It is still the same concept, that we are reborn – we are – and that we should live in the now as “history” is other peole we do not cotnrol and life is supposed to be joyous. I know joy as when I met God? God told me that I had to feel grief, feel the actual death of my children, as I had never felt that. I said, I thohgt I did. God was very gentle; he said, I know you belive you have but you have not. You need to feel grief as the death of your children. Are you willing? I said what any rational, god loving person would: Yes, and so I went to a time and place I would not wish or froce upon any soul as the death of a child makes you feel physcial pain so great you begin to belive the physical pain will cause your death as it is so unbearable. This then allowed me to feel joy. I told God, I have no desire to die. I do not want to die. I asked, Am I going to die? God kept telling me NO. God said, Susan, I told you, I am here; you wil not die. You are not going to die. I said, You told me you were here ten minutes ago. Wherte are you as you are not acting fast enough! God laughed at me as he found it very funny; He loved the idea of me telling him that he, God, did not act fast enough as that is pure Susan. God had me ask someone for a piece of ppaer and then told me to write soemthign down. Many. Many months later I thoght of that paper. I had an idea – it is about the oppotnity existing – and so realized it is; I grabbed a handful of my red hair and laughed as I missed the most obvcious clue as no person in my family has red hair. Only me. I stood in front of the mirror and laughd ta myself. Then I remebered that paper. I know it sesm odd but I had no need to ever read it. I belived in God as fact w/o question. Why need proof? An outside piece of proof? I’m proof! Life is proof!

I opened that paper and felt joy, actual joy. I had no clue as to what was con it. I shook as I peeked around the fold. Then I was frightened as their was strange handwritign that I ddi not recognize as belonging to any person. It was English but looked like no handwritign I knew. Then I dropped to my knees as joy swept over me and made me cry as that paper read:

I told you I was here.


All I did was decide to sit under the tree of liberty until I had the answers. I had no knolwedge at that ‘time’ that a Buddha sat under the very same tree to then own the very same answers.
BTW, a woman named Karen has posted 12 reasons it sucks to have been a famous person. I agree with 11 of them. The reason many people claim to be the same persons? They think that synchronicity is it when they have not reasoned it to intrinsicity. I can name a person and about 60 things all line up but I was not him; I am not! Everything will be one and the same, exacting, then you'll know as you'll be it. You control more of this than you ever imagined so it is about what you control or create, not looks or gender or a physical disability. Personally, I like and would prefer that several thousand people wake up acting as if they are John Adams and/or Abigail Adams rather than Jesse James. If you believe you were and so are Jesus or James Madison? The previously mentioned Sanger? I support your personal belief and encourage you to investigate it until you can prove it or until you know something different. We need more Jesus' not less.

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