British Complicity In Murder of Myanmar's National Hero Gen. Aung San


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
1. Mr. David Cameron, British Prime Minister, has vowed to give Sri Lanka lessons on human rights when he attends the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Sri Lanka in November 2013.

It is an astonishing statement coming from a head of a country that once ran an Empire not so long ago, on which it was said that ‘the Sun never sets’. At its peak the British Empire was the largest empire the world had ever known. Closely associated with Empire Rule was the term ‘White Man’s Burden’ coined by Rudyard Kipling in a poem (1899) drawing attention to the presumed responsibility of white people to govern and impart their culture to nonwhite people, which was often advanced by the Western countries as a justification for European colonialism.....

Where is the justice when not a single colonial official has stood trial for crimes committed in the colonial era?....

The incident took place on Saturday 19th July 1947 in Rangoon. The time was 10:40a.m., Aung San the Deputy Chairman of the Burmese interim government was conducting a meeting of the Executive Council on the 2nd floor of the Secretariat Building in Rangoon preparing for the transfer of power from Britain to Burma. Four youths dressed in army uniform carrying Sten and Tommy guns dashed upstairs and unloaded their weapons spraying the entire room with blood killing Aung San, six of Aung San’s cabinet ministers including his older brother, a cabinet secretary and bodyguard. In a matter of moments the entire youthful leadership of post-independence Burma was mercilessly wiped out. So how was Britain involved in the murder of Aung San?

U Saw the former premier was convicted of the murder of Aung San as the weapons found close to his residence revealed that these were the same weapons used in the murder that had been stolen from the British army Depot and supplied to him by Major Henry Young and Capt David Vivien. David Vivien was sentenced to 5 years in prison but he “escaped” and ended up in the UK. U Saw while in prison before hanging sent a series of letters to Capt Vivien threatening to disclose all and demanding money from British Council officer Stuart Bingley who used diplomatic immunity to evade questioning and was quickly packed off to UK.

His death in 1979 sealed any information of his involvement. U Saw’s personal ties with the British Governor Dorman-Smith and several discussions with the British to upstage Aung San further accentuated links of complicity. Moreover, a secret telegram sent by the British ambassador to Whitehall all but confirmed British collaboration in the murder. Moreover, British police officers not part of the conspiracy like Carlyle Seppings were told not to question any British officers about the crime “This has got too big for both you and me” his boss had warned him. “If you dig deeper, you’re going to tread on some very important corns”. Whilst Chau Zau one of Aung San’s colleagues now exiled in China revealed to the BBC2. “The British government killed Aung San…it was their plot” This is what should scare every Third World nation and their leaders.

Meanwhile, Fergal Keane in the London Guardian, writes that the very same British Lords who conspired to murder Aung San, also set up the British covert support apparatus among the ethnic hill tribes of the Golden Triangle to set into motion civil war against the very government to which it was simultaneously granting independence. This was how the British while showing statesmanship in granting independence set up the Friends of the Burma Hill Peoples to undermine that very independence.

Can such Colonial Governments be trusted when on the surface, support is shown but underneath even murder is plotted?...

Far more important than the complicity of the British is the fact that Britain and the West are on a witch hunt today of Third World nations pointing fingers and using international media and western biased human rights organizations to project nations as perpetrators of human rights violations when their own past misdeeds are nicely swept under the carpet and their present misadventures never get listed for accountability in international courts that function to protect them.

Democracy has become the marketable tool to descend upon nations – the people of Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Egypt have realized too late the lies.....

The West stands guilty of carrying out cold-blooded killings of foreign leaders and has the audacity to fund international media campaigns ridiculing and humiliating nations amongst the world’s masses. Thus, Burma’s protests are described as “saffron-robed revolution”, its leaders are ridiculed because they prefer not to strike deals with double-crossing Western diplomats, they are slapped with sanctions because Burma refuses international monetary systems and every country that says “no” to the west and asserts national sovereign rights enters the West’s list of “repressive governments” and “dictators”. The West today backed by Saudi oil wealth is engaged in a diabolical game of de – constructing ‘Nation’ status and using ‘Human Rights’ as a pretext to intervene using the formula ‘R2P’ (Responsibility to Protect) in clear violation of national sovereignty. Are we now digressing back to the repressive colonial era?

We cannot accept accountability if accountability excludes crimes against humanity carried out by colonial rulers and the scale of current crimes committed wholesale by the West that include use of banned chemicals (Depleted uranium), intentional aerial strikes on civilian infrastructure, drone attacks that kill civilians, challenge to Westphalian sovereign status of nations, sanctions that have killed millions of children and civilians – so long as none of these crimes are ignored there is no meaning to accountability, and respect for public international law will continue to plummet in third world countries due to its perceived clear lack of neutrality.


2. The Anglo-Saxons had committed countless crimes against humanity since the 5th century ce, beginning in the British Isles against other tribes particularly in Ireland. Their genocides against humanity reached the peak during the height of the expansion of the British Empire.

The people of Myanmar might be enjoying the peace and bliss of democracy today, and the Myanmar military might not have the chance to echo Donald Trump's allegation of electoral fraud if not for the British complicity in the murder of Myanmar's national hero Gen. Aung San on Saturday 19th July 1947 in Yangon.