Well-Known Member
When you vote someone into power you don't vote them in because they've got balls you vote them in because you want their policies and good judgement on situations. Blair has cocked up time and time again, you don't see the front page headlines we get that aren't about Iraq.
His government has OVERPAID people benefits of £6 billion (almost $12billion) to people. Now people need benefits for loads of reasons, and I'm not one for taking them away like some people on this board, but overpaying by that much.
This is a government that sells its soldiers stories to sleazy tabloids, a government that has banned piggy banks in adverts so it wont offend Muslims. This is a country with a terrible leader in charge of a ballsack of a government
With respect to overspending and even more to tabloids and political correctness, I couldn't agree more. I've had similar gripes with US leaders for decades but I try not to burn them for their mistakes then disregard their accomplishments. I've even mentioned good things about Clinton which was rather painful for me.
