Brexit in progress...

I am keen on an independent England,Scotland,Wales and an independent united Ireland.I do not think a country can be independent and sovereign whilst remaining in the EU.

Twenty-seven countries disagree with you. They know their European history.
Not twenty se

No,not twenty-seven countries,rather spokespersons, representatives of the EU.Many people wish to leave the EU.Hopefully Britain will lead the way to the dismantling of the EU.

No, the majority in every EU country, including, incidentally, the UK now.
No, the majority in every EU country, including, incidentally, the UK now.

The MAJORITY of people in the UK voted to leave the EU.Everyone in the UK was told by the UK government that the decision was final,its time that remain politicians had the decency to honour,respect and carry out the referendum result.If they don't leave voters will be betrayed and no longer vote for Labour,Lib or Conservative.They will stop voting or vote for UKIP ,Brexit party or more nationalistic parties.This would prove to be a hollow and pyrrhic victory for remain MPs they will regret not honouring the referendum.
The MAJORITY of people in the UK voted to leave the EU.Everyone in the UK was told by the UK government that the decision was final,its time that remain politicians had the decency to honour,respect and carry out the referendum result.If they don't leave voters will be betrayed and no longer vote for Labour,Lib or Conservative.They will stop voting or vote for UKIP ,Brexit party or more nationalistic parties.This would prove to be a hollow and pyrrhic victory for remain MPs they will regret not honouring the referendum.
The MAJORITY of people in the UK voted to leave the EU.Everyone in the UK was told by the UK government that the decision was final,its time that remain politicians had the decency to honour,respect and carry out the referendum result.If they don't leave voters will be betrayed and no longer vote for Labour,Lib or Conservative.They will stop voting or vote for UKIP ,Brexit party or more nationalistic parties.This would prove to be a hollow and pyrrhic victory for remain MPs they will regret not honouring the referendum.

Since the thick buggers can't decide how they want to leave, and since the nutters no longer have a majority, it is no long 'Ze Peepul's Will'. If the remaining loonies want to vote fascist, they better do it. Bugger's never find the polling station anyway.
Since the thick buggers can't decide how they want to leave, and since the nutters no longer have a majority, it is no long 'Ze Peepul's Will'. If the remaining loonies want to vote fascist, they better do it. Bugger's never find the polling station anyway.

More than 17 million people voted leave,the MAJORITY.Parliament must honour the referendum decision,as promised,if not they betray the British people and disrespect democracy.This will not make for a happy Britain and remain saboteurs will live to regret it.Wanting sovereignty does not make someone a fascist,rather it shows wisdom and basic commonsense.Wanting control over immigration and not to the EU is also a sign of intelligence.Many remain people are very gullible and naive about the Kafkaesque,capitalist,Frankenstein's monster that is the EU.
More than 17 million people voted leave,the MAJORITY.Parliament must honour the referendum decision,as promised,if not they betray the British people and disrespect democracy.This will not make for a happy Britain and remain saboteurs will live to regret it.Wanting sovereignty does not make someone a fascist,rather it shows wisdom and basic commonsense.Wanting control over immigration and not to the EU is also a sign of intelligence.Many remain people are very gullible and naive about the Kafkaesque,capitalist,Frankenstein's monster that is the EU.

Nazi threats won't bother real British people. Never did, never will. We've changed our minds, kid, those of us who have such things.
Nazi threats won't bother real British people. Never did, never will. We've changed our minds, kid, those of us who have such things.

There aren't any nazi threats in my post,real British people,the MAJORITY voted leave,got that kid.
Back then. The extreme Brexiteers are Nazi to a man, and, like you, live in the past.

Wrong I live in the present,it's the people that are not respecting democracy and the result of the referendum that are acting like nazis.They are the extremists.
Wrong I live in the present,it's the people that are not respecting democracy and the result of the referendum that are acting like nazis.They are the extremists.

Referendums are for European dictators. The UK is a representative democracy, and it is a tragedy that the careerist parliamentarians forgot it. We elect people to know something about the issues and take electoral responsibility for their judgements, not grovel to the ignorant mob.
Referendums are for European dictators. The UK is a representative democracy, and it is a tragedy that the careerist parliamentarians forgot it. We elect people to know something about the issues and take electoral responsibility for their judgements, not grovel to the ignorant mob.

Nonsense the British government promised to do as the referendum instructed.The decision was leave.Ms.May and others do not want to leave so this is a phoney attempt to leave,they are deliberately sabotaging Brexit they are phoney.As for referendum being the tool of European dictators,you are in a strange Liberal,globalist Marxist fantasy world all of your own.What does the EU do for Britain anyway?
Nonsense the British government promised to do as the referendum instructed.The decision was leave.Ms.May and others do not want to leave so this is a phoney attempt to leave,they are deliberately sabotaging Brexit they are phoney.As for referendum being the tool of European dictators,you are in a strange Liberal,globalist Marxist fantasy world all of your own.What does the EU do for Britain anyway?
Mrs May is totally devoted to the tory party, to the outright exclusion of the population of the UK, let alone anyone else, and she has tried desperately to find something even relatively sane that would bring the extremist nutters along. Nobody can, and nobody will now, because they're finished.. I see you've started quacking like a drugged-up duck, so let us end this conversation.
Mrs May is totally devoted to the tory party, to the outright exclusion of the population of the UK, let alone anyone else, and she has tried desperately to find something even relatively sane that would bring the extremist nutters along. Nobody can, and nobody will now, because they're finished.. I see you've started quacking like a drugged-up duck, so let us end this conversation.

Respect the referendum,respect the MAJORITY democracy must prevail.
It looked like Brexit was stopped by the remain MPs and ministers,but that has changed,thanks to Nigel Farage and the Brexit party.I and millions like me,will vote for the Brexit party tomorrow in the Euro elections.Perhaps by giving the remain weasels a good kick in the ballots we will get the Brexit we voted for.