Well-Known Member
The problem and danger with atheism is it really is not a belief simply because there are other people who don't believe in atheism but also don't know if atheism is true as Atheism doesn't know if any of the other prominent religions are true. Atheism is the lack of belief. It is the detachment of belief and hence also the enemy of belief. Religion is not only a belief but a code of beliefs to live by which most people derive their own principles from as people have been doing from religion for most of religion's existance. Atheism in itself is simply a word that means lack of belief. There is no scripture or anything in atheism and that is why atheism is base and useless. Why hasn't any country been successfully built on atheism? I'll tell you in a riddle. What is a government and a building both built upon internally?............................Structure. You cannot unite people or improve their lives by forcing them to believe in nothing which in practice means to stand for nothing. The forced or brainwashed doctrine of atheism is mental enslavement and misery. The best way I can think of to break a people to your will is not only break their spirits but erase their beliefs. Then you will be in complete control and not have to worry about a coordinated revolt because the people have began living a base existance like the Russians were. This is why I hate atheists so much because they're so damn ignorant, arrogant, lazy and cowardly. Atheism ruins a society from the ground floor to the sky-rise. Atheism just don't understand that and won't understand that no matter how much you argue with them because like I said they want you to feel just like they do and don't care that they'll take the very character and breath of life out of people.
The problem and danger with atheism is it really is not a belief simply because there are other people who don't believe in atheism but also don't know if atheism is true as Atheism doesn't know if any of the other prominent religions are true. Atheism is the lack of belief. It is the detachment of belief and hence also the enemy of belief. Religion is not only a belief but a code of beliefs to live by which most people derive their own principles from as people have been doing from religion for most of religion's existance. Atheism in itself is simply a word that means lack of belief. There is no scripture or anything in atheism and that is why atheism is base and useless. Why hasn't any country been successfully built on atheism? I'll tell you in a riddle. What is a government and a building both built upon internally?............................Structure. You cannot unite people or improve their lives by forcing them to believe in nothing which in practice means to stand for nothing. The forced or brainwashed doctrine of atheism is mental enslavement and misery. The best way I can think of to break a people to your will is not only break their spirits but erase their beliefs. Then you will be in complete control and not have to worry about a coordinated revolt because the people have began living a base existance like the Russians were. This is why I hate atheists so much because they're so damn ignorant, arrogant, lazy and cowardly. Atheism ruins a society from the ground floor to the sky-rise. Atheism just don't understand that and won't understand that no matter how much you argue with them because like I said they want you to feel just like they do and don't care that they'll take the very character and breath of life out of people.