As I said in my original quote you still need the backing of the moneymen to get into power - no president has been elected who has not had the money there to campaign. This extends to religion as no out and out atheist has ever been president of the union - theist maybe, but never publically atheist.
Your an odd one. No Prime Minister has been elected "who has not had the money there to campaign." In Britain they can sell promises of Knighthood and seats in the house of Lords for campaign donations. So whats your point"?
We in the UK watch on in horror as the democrats meekly give in to their demands,
Sooooo what sentiments do you experience when Blair uses his Royal Perogative to go to war regardless of what the parliament or people think? What do you feel when the Parliament gives its blessing anyway?
As far as having a backbone regarding islamofascists is concerned we prefer to get on with in and do it quietly. We do not need a patriot act, or a big media circus to deal with the bigots who twist the quaran for their own ends.
If you have ever heard of Abu Hamza then you will know that we deal with them in a firm and strict matter.
Yemen indicted him Britain refused to extradite him. We in the US indicted him, Britain refussed to extradite him. He was allowed to preach in the largest mosque in Britain. And you dont need a Patriot act because the British government already had the same powers that our government only had after the patriot act.
This extends to religion as no out and out atheist has ever been president of the union - theist maybe, but never publically atheist.
I believe every Prime Minister has been a member of a national church. Whats your point?
The entire premise of this thread is a joke, ESPECIALLY coming from a brit. This crap about "1000 year reich' of christian oppression", "the citizens are like sheep" "comfortable in their own sty" "fascism"????? You have a freakin National Church with your queen at the head. She and the Prime minister appoint the Archbishops and Bishops. Every law of the church has to be approved by Parliament. Your up to your neck in shiite, criticizing the US for a little doggie doo on our shoe with the typical british snobbery that thinks your shiite dont stink. What a fu@king joke. MARK