BREAKING: Boehner, Reid agree on two-part plan, bring it to WH... Obama says No


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2009
San Diego, CA
This is getting weird. Apparently (if the message this author got is true), Republicans and Democrat leaders from the House and Senate put together a deal that both found acceptable. I thought such a thing would never happen, but then I through the Berlin Wall would never come down either.

They took it to Barack Obama... and he rejected it.

What on Earth for? The Republican-controlled House and Democrat-controlled Senate getting together and AGREEING on a budget deal that raises the Debt ceiling and cuts spending, is earth-shaking news. And Obama thinks it isn't good enough???

What, exactly, is Obama waiting for?


White House stokes debt-ceiling crisis

by Jennifer Rubin
July 25, 2011
8:00 AM ET

A Republican aide e-mails me: “The Speaker, Sen. Reid and Sen. McConnell all agreed on the general framework of a two-part plan. A short-term increase (with cuts greater than the increase), combined with a committee to find long-term savings before the rest of the increase would be considered. Sen. Reid took the bipartisan plan to the White House and the President said no.”

If this is accurate the president is playing with fire. By halting a bipartisan deal he imperils the country’s finances and can rightly be accused of putting partisanship above all else. The ONLY reason to reject a short-term, two-step deal embraced by both the House and Senate is to avoid another approval-killing face-off for President Obama before the election. Next to pulling troops out of Afghanistan to fit the election calendar, this is the most irresponsible and shameful move of his presidency.

As for the House, why not pass the deal that Sen. Harry Reid agreed to, send it to the Senate and leave town? Enough already.
This is getting weird. Apparently (if the message this author got is true), Republicans and Democrat leaders from the House and Senate put together a deal that both found acceptable. I thought such a thing would never happen, but then I through the Berlin Wall would never come down either.

They took it to Barack Obama... and he rejected it.

What on Earth for? The Republican-controlled House and Democrat-controlled Senate getting together and AGREEING on a budget deal that raises the Debt ceiling and cuts spending, is earth-shaking news. And Obama thinks it isn't good enough???

What, exactly, is Obama waiting for?


White House stokes debt-ceiling crisis

by Jennifer Rubin
July 25, 2011
8:00 AM ET

A Republican aide e-mails me: “The Speaker, Sen. Reid and Sen. McConnell all agreed on the general framework of a two-part plan. A short-term increase (with cuts greater than the increase), combined with a committee to find long-term savings before the rest of the increase would be considered. Sen. Reid took the bipartisan plan to the White House and the President said no.”

If this is accurate the president is playing with fire. By halting a bipartisan deal he imperils the country’s finances and can rightly be accused of putting partisanship above all else. The ONLY reason to reject a short-term, two-step deal embraced by both the House and Senate is to avoid another approval-killing face-off for President Obama before the election. Next to pulling troops out of Afghanistan to fit the election calendar, this is the most irresponsible and shameful move of his presidency.

As for the House, why not pass the deal that Sen. Harry Reid agreed to, send it to the Senate and leave town? Enough already.

So, where is the compromise? Nothing in here talks about increasing revenue.

I am glad Obama is standing firm. Screw the greedy GOP working for the minority of the people.
So, where is the compromise? Nothing in here talks about increasing revenue.

I am glad Obama is standing firm. Screw the greedy GOP working for the minority of the people.
Here here!
It's about time that Obama faces the "party of NO." He is finally becoming a negotiator.

other report suggest Boehner can't get his own party to agree to his plan...let alone take this to the White house and Senate....

Just watched President Obama and Boehner's speeches!

I'm sorry, but even if I was not an Obama supporter, it should have been clear to any fair minded person that Obama was trying to be clear and open to BALANCED approach to reducing the debt, and to provide a more STABLE environment, not for 6 months (which is ridiculous, how can you create "stability" for 6 months?) but for the next 18 months.

Boehner was entirely partisan and attacking everything, but not proposing anything that was balanced.
Just watched President Obama and Boehner's speeches!

I'm sorry, but even if I was not an Obama supporter, it should have been clear to any fair minded person that Obama was trying to be clear and open to BALANCED approach to reducing the debt, and to provide a more STABLE environment, not for 6 months (which is ridiculous, how can you create "stability" for 6 months?) but for the next 18 months.

Boehner was entirely partisan and attacking everything, but not proposing anything that was balanced.

of course not, thats the new republican negotiation draw line in sand, scream, threaten to let the economy fail ( or last time the unemployed lose there homes and everything as there payments run out..unless rich get tax cut extended) and act like the world is ending when Obama does something they supported when Republicans said or did it...
of course not, thats the new republican negotiation draw line in sand, scream, threaten to let the economy fail ( or last time the unemployed lose there homes and everything as there payments run out..unless rich get tax cut extended) and act like the world is ending when Obama does something they supported when Republicans said or did it...

Well, both my husband and I e-mailed our congressman (Republican!).

I know it's a drop in the ocean, but at least it's ONE think we could do!

Tomorrow, more phone calls to those Bastards!
Obama is going to take the debt ceiling BS out of the next election, along with the deficit at the same time. Beohner (Cantor for sure) wants to make the deficit the main issue for the next election, Obama wants a job bill. The GOP is finding out what it means to lead, they have the majority in house, holding the purse strings, and they cannot pass legislation while they try to politicize every issue. Obama gives up more than they thought they would ever get but their rhetoric won't allow them to pass it! They will lose both of the arguments except with their radical base which gives the center moderates to Obama. This is what happens when you pander to radicals.
This is no surprise at all!!

He doesnt care!!!!

I (and many others) truly believe he wants to destroy this economy and then bring it back UNDER HIS TIGHT CONTROL!!! (Its been his mission since getting in office)


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