Both sides fucking suck.

Own up to it. Apologize. And prosecute Netanyahu. That is the only way democrats can win back progressives. Otherwise Trump can burn the earth for all I care.

Song of the day.
I do not think that Gaza is a major issue for most Americans.
How long did it take for Americans to vote to end Vietnam? And of course, there are no young Americans being drafted to fight in Gaza as they were in Vietnam.

I am not insulting anyone's intelligence. I am not attempting to win converts, I am merely expressing my evaluation of the situation.

The Democrats seem to think that if they stopped funding Israel, they will lose. This may be true. I personally think that the US has wasted far too much on aid to Israel since 1948. But perhaps the Democrats have better information on how much funding they get from Jews and how much cutting off aid to Israel might harm their chances.
I do not think that Gaza is a major issue for most Americans.
How long did it take for Americans to vote to end Vietnam? And of course, there are no young Americans being drafted to fight in Gaza as they were in Vietnam.

I am not insulting anyone's intelligence. I am not attempting to win converts, I am merely expressing my evaluation of the situation.

The Democrats seem to think that if they stopped funding Israel, they will lose. This may be true. I personally think that the US has wasted far too much on aid to Israel since 1948. But perhaps the Democrats have better information on how much funding they get from Jews and how much cutting off aid to Israel might harm their chances.
LBJ’s successor lost his election to Richard Nixon because of Vietnam because his own side was against it and he didn’t come out against the war until it was too late in the election. Kamala seems determined to repeat this history. Get ready for massive October surprise for Harris regarding Iran or something. Democrats chose the wrong side here. They chose the right wing side. And guess what? That only helps the right wing obviously. You can’t get any dumber than this. Biden fucked up completely. But he’s a proven Zionist. Kamala is an opportunist. So it’s a damn shame if she chooses to lose over this. All to be polite and protect Biden’s legacy and from him being deemed a war criminal in the eyes of history. Not worth it. Throw his ass overboard and start making the right decisions.
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Biden simply is not running for re election. I do not think that he was incapable of serving as president, but I do agree that he was far less likely to win the election than Harris. No one is going to "throw his ass overboard".
Nixon was a horrid president, though not nearly as horrid as Trump, but Hubert Humphrey would have been far better than Nixon and the War would have been over sooner without the horrible mess that Nixon caused in Cambodia. Pol Pot would never have come to power had Hubert been president.
There is no “both sides” in this election.

For example today 700+ national security leaders endorsed Harris.

Clearly many knowledgeable leaders including many handpicked by Trump see him as a threat to democracy and future of this country.
Biden simply is not running for re election. I do not think that he was incapable of serving as president, but I do agree that he was far less likely to win the election than Harris. No one is going to "throw his ass overboard".
Nixon was a horrid president, though not nearly as horrid as Trump, but Hubert Humphrey would have been far better than Nixon and the War would have been over sooner without the horrible mess that Nixon caused in Cambodia. Pol Pot would never have come to power had Hubert been president.
It’s not about what Hubert Humphrey would’ve done. It’s about what happened. Nixon and Vietnam were awful but that’s not the point of what I’m saying. Stop grandstanding behind your craven candidate and actually put pressure on them to change for the better.
There is no “both sides” in this election.

For example today 700+ national security leaders endorsed Harris.

Clearly many knowledgeable leaders including many handpicked by Trump see him as a threat to democracy and future of this country.
We’re still evil as fuck on both sides for supporting Israel. So fuck us. I don’t care what happens. We’ll get what we deserve if we can’t do the right thing. Trump is just the one who can make that happen sooner.
What’s the point in winning when you have to be a shill for corporate interests and the war machine? Thousands of people are dying right now just because the donor class and Israel want them to. And people are expecting me to believe that the president is powerless to at least stop using my tax dollars to fund it? All because they want to win. They’re a pack of liars. I want a candidate that I can actually trust and believe in and if that’s throwing my vote away then fuck this system. It can burn down.
I have checked out of this world. I don’t care what happens. That’s literally how bad of a candidate Biden/Harris were in the face of Trump. I can’t wait for this election to be over so that I can make fun of whichever side loses.
Do you live in America? Just curious. If so, why?
Do you live in America? Just curious. If so, why?
Yeah I live in the US. I live in the red state of Texas. So that whole throwing my vote away thing is double here. Not only will a vote for a democrat possibly have no effect but also Green Party. So if I choose Green Party then it’s really the same as if I had chosen to vote democrat. There are no “spoilers” in my mind. It’s anti-democratic to call someone that if you really believe in fair elections and want the electoral college done away with. Of course republicans might never win another election if things are based on popularity and not gerrymandering or redistricting but the democrats could be held accountable more at times and maybe even lose to Green Party candidates in certain areas. But yeah republicans would be fucked if they ever did away with it. They would definitely never win the presidency again.
Yeah I live in the US. I live in the red state of Texas. So that whole throwing my vote away thing is double here. Not only will a vote for a democrat possibly have no effect but also Green Party. So if I choose Green Party then it’s really the same as if I had chosen to vote democrat. There are no “spoilers” in my mind. It’s anti-democratic to call someone that if you really believe in fair elections and want the electoral college done away with. Of course republicans might never win another election if things are based on popularity and not gerrymandering or redistricting but the democrats could be held accountable more at times and maybe even lose to Green Party candidates in certain areas. But yeah republicans would be fucked if they ever did away with it. They would definitely never win the presidency again.
I get it! And yes, this election is the most important election in our lifetime. I just ask you to vote. Not telling you for who. You vote for who your gut tells you to in that moment! Or hell, write a name in! Make it count! 🇺🇸 You count!
There is a difference between a vote being counted and that one vote determining the outcome of any election.

It is exceedingly rare for an election to be won by just one vote.