Blood-Sacrifices To The NRA; What Is The Current Quota??

June 7, 2023
Are we there, yet?
June 18, 2023
Are we there, yet?
“Unfortunately, because of the gun industrys influence on our lawmakers, there is no place in America that’s safe from gun violence.”
There's been 335 mass shootings this year yet you're still defending your right to own guns you never use.
Communists, thugs, criminals, leftists, Democrats, and other dreamers tell us that the world will be a safer place if good people are disarmed by law. Where has that ever worked? Not in nations that practice human slavery today.
Communists, thugs, criminals, leftists, Democrats, and other dreamers tell us that the world will be a safer place if good people are disarmed by law. Where has that ever worked? Not in nations that practice human slavery today.

oooooo.....geeeee.....that's quite the reference-free info avalanche.