blacks and the Fourth of July

Probably never. It's their ace in the hole. What do you want to do about it? That's what I want to know. Lead that horse to water, boy. You b**** and moan about something you know you can't change, you know will NEVER change, and yet you want to make an issue about it.

I don't give a damn whether a black person cares about the Fourth of July. I care about who is running the damn country and how.

easy to say, when it did not happen to you.
I have to wait for Rob or at times Gen to post to make it one can debate with you, you lack the capacity for it...your a worthless partisan hack..nothing more.

You are a low-intellect gutless coward. But one thing I'll say for you, as the Clint Eastwood character once said - "a man's got to know his limitations", which you apparently do, as you don't bite off what you can't chew. :D
When will they get over it? After 1000 years? 10,000 years?

Probably never. It's their ace in the hole. What do you want to do about it? That's what I want to know. Lead that horse to water, boy. You b**** and moan about something you know you can't change, you know will NEVER change, and yet you want to make an issue about it.

I don't give a damn whether a black person cares about the Fourth of July. I care about who is running the damn country and how. All I can do is use my vote to cancel out the vote that disagrees with me. That's all you can do too, unless you want to call out everyone who disagrees with you in back of your gym....I suspect you are not that brave.

You're obviously not too bright either if you think I am in any way a liberal.
Probably never. It's their ace in the hole. What do you want to do about it? That's what I want to know. Lead that horse to water, boy. You b**** and moan about something you know you can't change, you know will NEVER change, and yet you want to make an issue about it.

I don't give a damn whether a black person cares about the Fourth of July. I care about who is running the damn country and how. All I can do is use my vote to cancel out the vote that disagrees with me. That's all you can do too, unless you want to call out everyone who disagrees with you in back of your gym....I suspect you are not that brave.

You're obviously not too bright either if you think I am in any way a liberal.

I have three degrees, and am very bright. Why it pisses me is the selfsame people who are loaded up with all kinds of special treatment can't bring themselves to celebrate the nation's "birthday".
easy to say, when it did not happen to you

Don't make stupid remarks.

What do YOU know about what kind of discrimination I might have faced. Tell me, what is my heritage? What do I look like? I just don't define myself as anything but a human being in my life. It's not my responsibility to make sure everyone else does, or has the ability to do the same. It's their choice.
You are a low-intellect gutless coward. But one thing I'll say for you, as the Clint Eastwood character once said - "a man's got to know his limitations", which you apparently do, as you don't bite off what you can't chew. :D

I do, and I know I can only debate with someone so completely devoid of knowledge as you for so long.

to quote Eastwood ""Listen, punk. To me you're nothin' but dogsh**, you understand? And a lot of things can happen to dogsh**. It can be scraped up with a shovel off the ground. It can dry up and blow away in the wind. Or it can be stepped on and squashed. So take my advice and be careful where the dog sh**s ya.

sorry did you want me to cite a link for you on that?
Don't make stupid remarks.

What do YOU know about what kind of discrimination I might have faced. Tell me, what is my heritage? What do I look like? I just don't define myself as anything but a human being in my life. It's not my responsibility to make sure everyone else does, or has the ability to do the same. It's their choice.


The nerve. :mad:
I do, and I know I can only debate with someone so completely devoid of knowledge as you for so long.

to quote Eastwood ""Listen, punk. To me you're nothin' but dogsh**, you understand? And a lot of things can happen to dogsh**. It can be scraped up with a shovel off the ground. It can dry up and blow away in the wind. Or it can be stepped on and squashed. So take my advice and be careful where the dog sh**s ya.

sorry did you want me to cite a link for you on that?

You're a gutless, intellect-free coward, and now you sound like a seven year old who just discovered dirty words. Really, stop. People are undoubtedly getting empathetic embarassment for you. :rolleyes:
I have three degrees, and am very bright.

Yeah, and half of the people I went to college with couldn't find their way out of a paper bag with written instructions, so don't use multiple degrees as any indication of intellect. The education/knowledge I have given myself since college beats the hell out of anything I ever learned to earn the degree.

Why it pisses me is the selfsame people who are loaded up with all kinds of special treatment can't bring themselves to celebrate the nation's "birthday".

Yeah, well when Katrina hit, those same people who get special treatment were looting the place silly. That should bother you more. If "blathering tom", with all of his statistics is correct, then it should bother you more that you're probably paying for lunch for the illegitimate kids of 96% of black women, as well as the new York steak she might buy with food stamps.

If you think any of this has escaped me in my 50+ years in this life, then think again. I am also the most conservative damn "hippie" you'd never want to meet.

All I wanted to point out is that this issue is entering into "thought and morality" police land. As a "non liberal", are you sure you want that?
Don't make stupid remarks.

What do YOU know about what kind of discrimination I might have faced. Tell me, what is my heritage? What do I look like? I just don't define myself as anything but a human being in my life. It's not my responsibility to make sure everyone else does, or has the ability to do the same. It's their choice.

like I care what you faced...we are talking about a Race that faced it...far more then anything your race could have unless your black or native in this nation...My heritage faced issues in the past..but there where not still fighting to for the right to vote, and not be segregated even in the mid 20th century. YOu can't enslave a race for over a hundred years, hold them as 5th class citizens for a hundred after then..and then in 20 years think thinks will be equal...
Probably never. It's their ace in the hole. What do you want to do about it? That's what I want to know. Lead that horse to water, boy. You b**** and moan about something you know you can't change, you know will NEVER change, and yet you want to make an issue about it.

I don't give a damn whether a black person cares about the Fourth of July. I care about who is running the damn country and how. All I can do is use my vote to cancel out the vote that disagrees with me. That's all you can do too, unless you want to call out everyone who disagrees with you in back of your gym....I suspect you are not that brave.

You're obviously not too bright either if you think I am in any way a liberal.

I may not agree with much of your ideas, but I do like your style.

No non-sense and telling it like it is is a lot more interesting than "b**** and moaning!"
like I care what you faced...we are talking about a Race that faced it...far more then anything your race could have unless your black or native in this nation...

I'm sorry I'm not of the right race for such a great human being to care what discrimination might have been faced Lol.

Oh by the way, tell it to the blacks, who prey on each other.

You are a great liberal. The common as dirt kind, but true blue.

YOu can't enslave a race for over a hundred years, hold them as 5th class citizens for a hundred after then..and then in 20 years think thinks will be equal...

I don't. And guess what, blacks can take all the time they want to get over it, because they are only hurting themselves. You however, can do double time to kiss ass, because you're such a bleeding heart for those that you know are so "misunderstood" and not at all to blame for their own continuing plight, and take all the credit.
like I care what you faced...we are talking about a Race that faced it...far more then anything your race could have unless your black or native in this nation...My heritage faced issues in the past..but there where not still fighting to for the right to vote, and not be segregated even in the mid 20th century. YOu can't enslave a race for over a hundred years, hold them as 5th class citizens for a hundred after then..and then in 20 years think thinks will be equal...

It agree with you. . .mostly.

I believe that it iis almost impossible to totally get over experiences such as being refused a drink from a water fountain as a child, because of one's skin color.

Or a child being told by her mother that, no, she can't go to the bathroom, even if she is ready to pee her pants, because this bathroom is for White only.

As long as any of those children are still alive, as long as their children remember being told these stories, there will be underlying difficulties in race relations. No matter how "adult" and "civilized" we try to be.

And, obviously, insensitive and narrow minded people who can't understand the deep seated damage done by such childhood experiences are not helping!

And. . .yes, I know, I'll be called all kinds of name for this post. . .and my intelligence and reason will be questionned again.
So what?
Openmind, what you are saying in your post, inadvertantly perhaps, is placing the perpetuation of racism on blacks.

And, it may be insensitive to say what is true, but proper semantics isn't any solution. It could also be called insensitive and counter productive to have a parent, of child bearing age today, that NEVER did experience such severe segregation, to carry on the anger by telling a child who is too young to really understand, that he needs to have a set of armor that someone else doesn't have to have, and start him off in life with that mindset. Anyone who does that is just perpetuating hate. What else would you call it? A safety net?

Children today really are a lot more indifferent to race. They're used to living in a diverse world, country, no matter where in the nation they are, (for the most part), and any child will play with any other child if there is no predisposed reason given to him not to.

Whose responsibility is it to help blacks "get over it" as it were. What is the magic word? What's the magic "program"?

The libs here are great at calling everyone a racist who doesn't feel constant responsibility for what black people have had to bear in this country. Since I never treated a black person badly, I can't accept any responsibility or guilt for something someone else did yesterday, or 150 years ago.

I have not heard one viable solution offered by any of those here who would brand someone, for the sole reason of making themselves feel like a "better human being".

It's just a bunch of baloney.
Openmind, what you are saying in your post, inadvertantly perhaps, is placing the perpetuation of racism on blacks.

And, it may be insensitive to say what is true, but proper semantics isn't any solution. It could also be called insensitive and counter productive to have a parent, of child bearing age today, that NEVER did experience such severe segregation, to carry on the anger by telling a child who is too young to really understand, that he needs to have a set of armor that someone else doesn't have to have, and start him off in life with that mindset. Anyone who does that is just perpetuating hate. What else would you call it? A safety net?

Children today really are a lot more indifferent to race. They're used to living in a diverse world, country, no matter where in the nation they are, (for the most part), and any child will play with any other child if there is no predisposed reason given to him not to.

Whose responsibility is it to help blacks "get over it" as it were. What is the magic word? What's the magic "program"?

The libs here are great at calling everyone a racist who doesn't feel constant responsibility for what black people have had to bear in this country. Since I never treated a black person badly, I can't accept any responsibility or guilt for something someone else did yesterday, or 150 years ago.

I have not heard one viable solution offered by any of those here who would brand someone, for the sole reason of making themselves feel like a "better human being".

It's just a bunch of baloney.

You know, I would totally have agreed with you if I had never moved to the South! I lived 1/3 of my life in Europe, and 2/3 in the US. Unfortunately, I spend the last 8 years in the South. And although I had NEVER had truly experienced racism on a personal basis, and I had always been totally non-prejudice, I realize that, in the South, the trauma of past (and present) racism is still very much alive.

In fact, I admit that I have always almost over-reacted to racism by making by being even MORE open and kind to anyone whom I thought had been discriminated against. Then, because I came in direct contact with racism in the South, I realize that the whole issue is even more complex than I thought.

You are correct, now, many Black people have reacted against the racial ordeal they have historically been subjected to by becoming suspicious, bitter, angry, and sometime hateful and rejecting of any White person.

I have been treated as a second rate citizens in some stores BECAUSE I was White. And yet, I have avoided reacting to this treatment because I understand where that attitude comes from. I would NOT have accepted to be pushed aside by a White cashier, in favor of another White person, but I did accept those situations coming from Black cashiers who pushed me aside to help Black customers instead.

And I still do not resent it. Because I really believe I would feel the same way they do if I had their history. And by actually experiencing that "second rate citizen" moment, it makes me even MORE aware of what so many Black people are still experiencing today, especially in the South.

I do agree with you that the best thing a young mother can do for her child is to move past that history, to give him/her somewhat of a "blank slate" in terms of race relation. But, the pain is still so deep, that I do understand how difficult it is for many Black people. And, trust me, too many, White "elite" in the South, do not generally let them forget that history!