Black Panthers

Some people are such liars.

Black Panthers try intimidation at the polls

By Ross Balano, Kansas City Star Midwest Voices Columnist 2008

"Black Panther party members in full uniform are stationed at some 300 polling places in battleground states. Are they trying to intimidate voters who would be voting for John McCain?

Well you can judge for yourself. This video shows two Black Panther members, one carrying a nightstick, at a Philadelphia polling place. How many people were intimidated by these two before police made the one with the nightstick leave the premises? The other one is still there. Are any of you who voted for Obama having second thoughts yet?

Add this together with the illegal activities of ACORN, the failure to get ballots to the military on time and other voting irregularities. Some places have more registered voters (see Milwaukee and parts of Ohio and Indiana) than they have adults in the areas.
It really is obvious that Democrats are trying to steal this election. They have been aided by a media who refuses to investigate these things and in fact has tried to aid them by trying to suppress McCain voting by indicating that the outcome is inevitable.

In 2000, there were over 50 different investigations trying to prove that Gore actually won Florida. None were able to do so. Bush won again in 2004 despite the efforts of the Kerry campaign to suppress the military vote and again more voters than actual people in parts of Ohio. There were claims of problems with voting machines but Kerry declined an investigation possibly because he was worried that improprieties of his own campaign might be brought to light.

We need an overhaul to return the integrity to our election process. Any member of congress who opposes it should be voted out."
It just came on the news that a couple of Black Panther members were hanging outside of polling places in PA with batons in hand questioning people who they were voting for! Eeek!

Loonies on the loose. :eek:


Do you really not see how stupid that is??????????????????

First it's a BS made up story. But that wouldn't even matter if it wasn't because when ya vote you're allllllllllllllll allllllllllllone.:D

Black Panthers with batons.... you're killin' me! Now if you told me the KKK were poll workers in Georgia that I might understand!:D
Did you watch the videos? The police took them away in the second one...

No doubt the KKK would try it if the nutjobs thought they could get away with it.

Did you see the interview of the head KKK guy (is he the wizard or something?)? He is in prison somewhere. Anyway, he said, "obama is a walking deadman if he is elected". Those guys are spooky...
No. They got it right. People just assume that the Panthers carry weapons and try to look bad ass as a matter of course to...well...compensate. Nobody cares what the Panthers think. Nobody ever did.
No doubt the KKK would try it if the nutjobs thought they could get away with it.

Did you see the interview of the head KKK guy (is he the wizard or something?)? He is in prison somewhere. Anyway, he said, "obama is a walking deadman if he is elected". Those guys are spooky...

Any person or group that advocates violence against elected officials should be dealt with quickly and harshly. This is America. There is free speech. But you can't yell "Fire" when there isn't one in a movie theater and you can't threaten other peoples lives without consequences.


Those guys don't play around and they are as committed as any law enforcement officer can get!