Bill Richardson in 2008

Mar 20, 2007
I know all the media hype right now is revolving around Barack/Hillary, but why?

Governor, 2003-present
Secretary of the U.S. Energy Department, 1998-2000
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, 1997-98
Member U.S. House of Representatives, New Mexico, 1983-97
Executive Director, New Mexico Democratic Party, 1978
Head of Bernalillo County Democratic Party, 1978-80
U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff member, 1976-78
State Department congressional liaison, 1974-76
U.S.House of Representatives staff member, 1971-73

Is this Obama or Clinton's resume? No, it's New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson's. Did Hillary or Barack just negotiate a 60-day ceasefire in Darfur between the Sudanese government and rebel soldiers? Coalitions seek out Richardson because he is a respected voice in the international community.

Have Clinton and Obama outlined specific strategies to address the reality of climate change affecting our world every day? Let's talk to Bill Richardson, the ex-Department of Energy chief who has implemented Kyoto standards in New Mexico in addition to promoting renewable energy and rewarding those who use it.

The man has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize four times for his skill in diplomacy. Isn't it time we tried to regain some of our nation's credibility around the world? Don't limit the race already. Bill Richardson has too much to offer our country.
I've liked Richardson for a while and have wanted to see him run. Unfortunately I don't see him winning the nomination, which is too bad. He'd be a good president.
Will he not win because he isn't raking in millions per week a year and a half before the election, because the mass media has not caught on yet, or both?
In reality, Richardson is probably the candidate who is best qualified to be President. He has a great resume and more importantly, he has actually had successes in the diplomatic realm. Something we are sorely going to need once the current ***** in Chief leaves DC. Sadly, he lacks the money and sex appeal of the leaders of the pack. But he'll make a great VP as well!
Richardson's views are very diverse, and he has much to offer for both sides of the aisle. This is why he was re-elected governor with 69% of the vote in New Mexico. He believes in energy independence, so we do not have to rely on foreign oil and thereby gaining some political leverage in the world. He has voted in favor of capital punishment, while also introducing a working families tax cut that will help around 200,000 New Mexican families. He enjoys a lot of support in his state from Democrats and Republicans, and I believe that at this point our country needs someone who can unite, not divide.
I am a Republican myself but in 2004 I did a pool on which Democrat I would prefer as President should Bush lose and my pick was Joe Liebermann (I still would have voted for Bush over Liebermann anyways but I semi backed Liebermann anyways but in my State one had to swear they were a Democrat to be able to vote in the Democratic Caucus, so I was like I can't vote Liebermann then).

THis brings me to Bill Richardson, ok while I do prefer most Republicans over Bill Richardson, I will say Bill Richardson really is my favorite Democratic Candidate for President.

Ok sure I probably don't agree with all of his Politics but I definetly agree with him more than Hillary and Obama for sure.

If the election did end up bwing John McCain vs. Bill Richardson then I would vote Richardson for sure.

I pick most Republicans over Richardson and I do pick McCain over most Democrats (even though im not too fond of McCain), but if McCain was the GOP nominee and Bill Richardson was the Democratic Nominee I really would pick Richardson (unless McCain picks someone I really like for Vice President).

Seriously though Richardson is the Democrat that can siphon off Republican votes but I highly doubt he'll get the Democratic nomination.

Rudy Guiliani could be the Republican that siphons Democratic votes and he probably would be a better choice for Republicans than John McCain but there is a drawback which is the fact Guiliani is Pro-Choice.

Right now my #1 favorite Republican Candidate for President is Tom Tancredo and my #2 favorite is Mitt Romney.

Yes Romney was Pro-Choice and has gone back to Pro-Life again but he didn't go back to Pro-Life for political reasons, his decision to go Pro-Choice and his decision to go Pro-Life were both based on personal experiences.

To put it this way i've put a lot of thought into the candidates.
I am a Republican myself but in 2004 I did a pool on which Democrat I would prefer as President should Bush lose and my pick was Joe Liebermann (I still would have voted for Bush over Liebermann anyways but I semi backed Liebermann anyways but in my State one had to swear they were a Democrat to be able to vote in the Democratic Caucus, so I was like I can't vote Liebermann then).

THis brings me to Bill Richardson, ok while I do prefer most Republicans over Bill Richardson, I will say Bill Richardson really is my favorite Democratic Candidate for President.

Ok sure I probably don't agree with all of his Politics but I definetly agree with him more than Hillary and Obama for sure.

If the election did end up bwing John McCain vs. Bill Richardson then I would vote Richardson for sure.

I pick most Republicans over Richardson and I do pick McCain over most Democrats (even though im not too fond of McCain), but if McCain was the GOP nominee and Bill Richardson was the Democratic Nominee I really would pick Richardson (unless McCain picks someone I really like for Vice President).

Seriously though Richardson is the Democrat that can siphon off Republican votes but I highly doubt he'll get the Democratic nomination.

Rudy Guiliani could be the Republican that siphons Democratic votes and he probably would be a better choice for Republicans than John McCain but there is a drawback which is the fact Guiliani is Pro-Choice.

Right now my #1 favorite Republican Candidate for President is Tom Tancredo and my #2 favorite is Mitt Romney.

Yes Romney was Pro-Choice and has gone back to Pro-Life again but he didn't go back to Pro-Life for political reasons, his decision to go Pro-Choice and his decision to go Pro-Life were both based on personal experiences.

To put it this way i've put a lot of thought into the candidates.

It definitely does sound like you've put a lot of thought into the 2008 presidential candidates. :D

But we'll have to wait and see who passes through the primaries.
It does sound like you have thoroughly researched the candidates. I agree with you that Richardson is a moderate, and his views are well-respected by both Democrats and Republicans. However, I believe that his star is rising and more and more people are learning about his experience and his stances on current issues facing our country like environmental concerns, the war in Iraq, and the healthcare ills in America. I haven't really heard about Tancredo at all, and from what I have seen of Romney's record, he stands pretty much wherever the people want him to on certain issues at a particular point in time.

It is time that people start seeing Richardson as the viable candidate that he is. He has the vision and the background to lead this country and regain the international respect that we have lost over the last six years. Neither Giuliani nor Romney can hold a candle to the accomplishments of Bill Richardson, and I think people are looking for someone who is not afraid of terrorists or other dangers confronting Americans today.
precisely because he is not recognized enough (as are other candidates) is why I doubt he will win.
Chances are, there are a lot of people in these forums who do not know Bill Richardson's platform, are not aware of his leadership in Congress and Bill Clinton's cabinet, and are not familiar with his policies in New Mexico. However, by discussing it, more and more people are recognizing his legitimacy as a candidate. Yes, his fundraising is modest compared to Obama and Clinton, but as I recall in 2003, Howard Dean was everyone's favorite around this time. It is too early on in the race to count out Richardson, especially since his popularity is steadily increasing around the country, and with very good reason. The man has done more to earn my vote than anyone else running today.

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