Bill Maher did it again


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
As Expected, Bill Maher Attacks Ann Romney

COMMENTARY | It was inevitable that Bill Maher, for whom self-confident conservative women are like red flags to an enraged bull, would comment on the Hilary Rosen/Ann Romney imbroglio. Considering his record, he was surprisingly mild.

According to Real Clear Politics, after pronouncing the controversy "inconsequential," Maher laid into Romney, suggesting she doesn't know where it's at because she has not experienced the joys of dropping the kids off at day care and spending eight hours being yelled at by the boss. At least he kept the cursing and misogyny to a minimum, unlike with Sarah Palin, a working mom whom he has savaged before. Perhaps he has gotten the memo that being too harsh on conservative women is not helpful to President Barack Obama.

On the other hand, on the same episode, Maher unloaded on Palin with his customary profanity.

One suspects the folks at the White House wish the president's most famous donor would shut up about the ladies. Maher's ruminations about Romney is bound to reawaken demands that Obama return Maher's $1 million donation and suggestions that the president tolerates misogyny in its supporters and surrogates.

Oh yeah Remember what Rush Limbaugh said about Sandra Fluke? And Liberals began pressuring the Advertisers to pull Ads off his show. What if Sean Hannity Or Bill OReilly made comments on Democrat Liberal women? What you think the outcome would be? HBO is far left winged,,Now why did they put a movie on a Story of Sarah Palin? And Theres a Series called Veep on HBO. Yes its based on Sarah Palin. HBO wont cancell Bill Maher show and rememberr Dennis Miller on HBO? Now why did they pull his show off? Simple cause Hes conservitive. I Want Alexandra Pelosi to get even!! She can air this on SHOWTIME 2 weeks prior Election day

This will hurt Obama on his re-election chances
with friends like there.....

somebody keep a microphone on this guy all the time. his ego will see to it that this sort of thing keeps falling out of his mouth.