Bidens promise to unite America

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

Yes uncle joe lied again he has no desire to unite America but seem to be trying hard to divide it .
Hes desperate to ry and save his fellow democrats in the house and senate and will say anything and probably do anything to do so to save his radical policy's and spending and tax plans anti gun agenda and anti America agenda

Yes uncle joe lied again he has no desire to unite America but seem to be trying hard to divide it .
Hes desperate to ry and save his fellow democrats in the house and senate and will say anything and probably do anything to do so to save his radical policy's and spending and tax plans anti gun agenda and anti America agenda
Remember it was republicans who wanted to install a dictator. Youre a republican.
Yet that was an attempt to unite a country after Trump divided it with his lies, racism and hate. Biden is correct. You nuts don't want unification. You want a fascist government.

Youre dementia is getting worse. To be a good liar you need a good memory.
biden clearly has no intention of uniting America he prefers the old fear mongering card , same tactic that Hitler used .
Hes desperate to try and safe the house and senate from changing hands .
He will tell any lie make up things over blow facts , pull any dirty trick he can to keep a hold of power.