Biden wants oil as long as its not north American oil

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

what's wrong with joe is he against American oil production and independence to the point he is screwing American in order to appease his far-left wing. His policies seem to indicate that and has been kissing the ass of the Saudis who basically told him fuck you for insulting our king which was a real smart move, he has no clue how to deal with world leaders. There are ways to get your point across without being ignorant like joe was .
So now he is looking at oil from Iran and Venezuelan. now here is the kicker oil from the Usa is much cleaner and a better grade as far as pollutants go then oil from the Saudis but is far better than the other 2

what's wrong with joe is he against American oil production and independence to the point he is screwing American in order to appease his far-left wing. His policies seem to indicate that and has been kissing the ass of the Saudis who basically told him fuck you for insulting our king which was a real smart move, he has no clue how to deal with world leaders. There are ways to get your point across without being ignorant like joe was .
So now he is looking at oil from Iran and Venezuelan. now here is the kicker oil from the Usa is much cleaner and a better grade as far as pollutants go then oil from the Saudis but is far better than the other 2

The United States—and the world—cannot drill its way out of oil price volatility or into real energy independence. Energy prices are high because fossil fuels are a global market highly influenced by conflicts around the world.
That happens because of a combination of economics and chemistry. The economics are simple: overseas oil, even after shipping costs, is often cheaper than domestically-produced crude.
Despite these high prices, reports show that American oil suppliers aren't eager to ramp up supply but there is a labor and equipment shortage which slows down production. Companies are also cautious about investing too much too quickly because of the COVID-19 pandemic's oil
Pin head biden is releasing another 10 million barrels of our emergency reserve .
And begging to get the commies in Venezuela and the terrorist in Iran to help hes even talking about giving iran over 200 billion if they make a deal he's a ***** . yea become dependent on a muslim nation that want to destroy you or a commie nation that hates you great plan joe .
Odd how prices were low under trump even decreasing yet under biden they sky rocketed
I know your dim witted and to feel sorry is counter-productive. You were born that way.
Its very convenient to rely on ignorance and stupidity to suggest the pandemic had no effect on prices. It happened worldwide but you wouldn't know.

Why do you bother with silly ignorant cheap shots? You refuse to accept the truth when it slaps you in the face. You don't even know how the system works you dill.