Biden knew about Terriots and felons were coming in and told officials to hide it

Like you would know.

What's a terriot?
A 'terriot' is a human animal who thinks he is pleasing some deity by murdering innocent humans. A Democrat animal is an American voter who thinks he pleases some deity by criminal activities designed to get corrupt democrats elected by fraud.
If you are black and a devoted democrat then terrorists are white Christian Americans.
This is a terrorist! Right below our noses!

The Al Qaeda operatives lived openly in San Diego under their true names, listing Hazmi in the telephone directory. They managed to avoid attracting much attention. Hazmi and Mihdhar came to the United States to learn English, take flying lessons, and become pilots as quickly as possible.

Harris is lying right now in Arizona about the border! Liar! The bill was in 2023! Why not in 2021? She looks like an ass! She could have done it day one! Bullshit!