Biden knew about Terriots and felons were coming in and told officials to hide it

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
Why would Joe do this ? he knew gang banger and felons and cartels and terrorist were coming across and told official, should he face impeachment, or wanton endangerment charges . Because he has broken the law,

nton endangerment is a legal term that refers to a reckless act that creates a substantial danger of death or serious physical injury to another person12. It is a crime that shows extreme indifference to the value of human life2. Some examples of wanton endangerment are firing a weapon into an abandoned building that might have people in it, or screaming 'fire' at the movie

Yes he knew what was coming across and still allowed it that my friend is the classic wanton endangerment, complete disregard for America lives .
Well we all know what kind of man this a lying liberal , who hates the truth and tried to Conver up his mistake and how he screwed us all .
Whys funny is how liberals claim Trump don't care about America seems joe sure don't what kin d of a man endangers the women and children of his own natin so millions of illegals could come in , yep Harris Biden they are scum for doing this a complete waste of skin.
I can't wait to see how lug nut tries to weasel out of this one .
Clearly he was trying to hide the truth ,this is a major story.
It shows how dirty their leadership is.

There is only one possible reason for this well a string of them. It6 will have a drastic effect on congressional districts and for future votes a plan that screws Americans but rewards democrat leadership desperate to keep power.
And they talk about trump being a danger to democracy or a dictatorship.
That is just wrong .and shows us all what they are really like.
I can't wait to see how lug nut tries to weasel out of this one .
Clearly he was trying to hide the truth ,this is a major story.
It shows how dirty their leadership is.

There is only one possible reason for this well a string of them. It6 will have a drastic effect on congressional districts and for future votes a plan that screws Americans but rewards democrat leadership desperate to keep power.
And they talk about trump being a danger to democracy or a dictatorship.
That is just wrong .and shows us all what they are really like.
If democrats get their way factual stories like this will be purged from the internet under developing democrat censorship rules.
Any one notice how not one of the Loony left here will post on this story, I wonder why that is lol.
That want this one to go away real bad and they do not want back door to deal with it and IM SURE SHe knew
Terriots! Terriots! Terriots!
indeed many have been caught how many were not caught
Terriots! Terriots! Terriots!
Yes that's pretty pathic Gabe , Yes your pick the honorable joe Biden as you have called him Knowling let terrorist in the nation along with killer's gang bangers cartel member and rapist plus who knows how many more common criminals.
And that's all you have to say WOW .
Are you complaining about them or celebrating them its hard to tell .
Well at least one of the liberals here responded . Granted they said nothing and look stupid as hell but that's ok . they want this one to go away,
Joe needs jailed for wanton endangerment.
Terriots! Terriots! Terriots!
yes indeed lots of them to gibe you want them to move down next to you

For even more perspective, my 2021 book America's Covert Border War: The Untold Story of the Nation's Battle to Prevent Jihadist Infiltration, quoted intelligence officials saying that American authorities caught about 100 on the FBI watch list between 2012 and 2017. That included individuals still en route and south of the border. The 98 ensnared in just fiscal year 2022 had all reached the border.

All of this puts a sharp national security edge on Biden's mass migration border crisis, the greatest in U.S. history by any measure. Biden's first year broke all prior Border Patrol apprehension records dating to when the government began keeping them in 1960, at more than 1.7 million. Fiscal year 2022 came in at just under 2.4 million apprehensions. None of these apprehensions include the estimated two million who were not detained.

People are pouring in at the simply incredible average rate of 200,000 every month, with no end