Biden Family Corruption


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
You don't usually get to hear about this kind of thing in the main stream media:

Members of the infamous Biden Crime Family (Hunter and James, son and brother respectively of Joey "The Veep" Biden) have been accused in fraud lawsuits. This is going to get fun!:eek:

Even the Washington Post is getting in on the act:'s really tough to top that one.

Yeah, they're pretty much all rotten. The hilarious thing is when Mrs. Haman tries to defend her precious party members as though they're pure as driven snow!:D
Yeah, they're pretty much all rotten. The hilarious thing is when Mrs. Haman tries to defend her precious party members as though they're pure as driven snow!:D

What's that old saying: about fooling the public, some of the time, all of the time????

Any way...some 'sheepel' people love to just support the 'PARTY LINE' specific issues, regardless if it's right/wrong/stupid. And those are the 'hard wired voters' that buy into that mindset. But I don't know which is worse...cynical voters like ME or the sheepel voters that BELIEVE in the "pure as driven snow" theory???
I prefer crooks over fanatics, if I have to make a choice, and they don't steal too much.

At least crooks you can deal with, they want money or something and they can be bought. Fanatics are those given over to zeal, and zealots become humorless, then loveless, and finally monstrous.
Originally Posted by samsara15
I prefer crooks over fanatics, if I have to make a choice, and they don't steal too much.
At least crooks you can deal with, they want money or something and they can be bought. Fanatics are those given over to zeal, and zealots become humorless, then loveless, and finally monstrous.

Give me a man that is known to have 'crooked tendencies' and you'll know exactly what/where/why to keep an eye on him...and he'll know that you know that he's being WATCHED.

Make me work with a 'FANATIC' and while he's reading his bible and absorbing his daily spiritual moments...the cows are running down the road from the gate that was left open, the water truck is burning up because the hot muffler is catching the grass on fire, the tractor rolled down the steep hill and rolled over several times because it wasn't put in park, or steal you blind while telling you that the 'LORD' will make it RIGHT for all things really belong to the LORD!!! etc., etc., etc., {all of those examples were actual events provided by a couple of extremely religious types that spent a lot of time reading their devotionals}...LOL
Hey, we're talkin'-about Chickenhawks, here.....people who've (continually) gotten things, their way.

Being watched was the last o' their concerns.


Awww but that has been the prerequisite for becoming a 4-ever politician {since time began and man stood upright and woman was told to stay in the kitchen and fix me some dinner}...juggling all of those 'special interests' while maintaining the proper amount of pressure on things that will net/line your very own pockets...LMAO

{{heavy sigh}} I'm just a little Ole Gray Haired Granny living with the historical thieving/lying/scoundrels that have been setting the rules and taxes for generations...{{heavier sigh}} :rolleyes:

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