Biden destroys Democrat tax myth with his own numbers.....

Biden made the economy boom, and therefore there was a labor shortage. Supply and demand. Should Biden be punished for the law of supply and demand?
Biden did not cause inflation, it was worldwide and caused by Covid.

I do not think that illegals are bad people. My neighbors are Cubans who walked all the way from Uruguay and are hard working and decent people. I would pick them over Trump's mother any day od the week. She was a Scottish peasant who came here for a better life. We;d be better off had she stayed home, Ditto Trump's German brothelkeeper grandfather,
Biden made the economy boom, and therefore there was a labor shortage. Supply and demand. Should Biden be punished for the law of supply and demand?
Biden did not cause inflation, it was worldwide and caused by Covid.

I do not think that illegals are bad people. My neighbors are Cubans who walked all the way from Uruguay and are hard working and decent people. I would pick them over Trump's mother any day od the week. She was a Scottish peasant who came here for a better life. We;d be better off had she stayed home, Ditto Trump's German brothelkeeper grandfather,
bIDEN DID NOT .most of the jobs were rebound jobs from covid

The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting lockdown caused 114 million people to lose their jobs over 2020.

It is true that the economy has about 15.6 million more jobs than in January 2021, the month Biden was sworn into office, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In fact, the economy hs added jobs every month in a row since about that time.


Still, the key context is that when Biden entered office, the economy was still millions of jobs short of where it was prior to the pandemic and the mass shutdowns of businesses.

A lot of those jobs that Biden has touted adding to the economy were merely positions that were lost because of the pandemic and then regained during reopening.
Additionally, employment rates have still not fully recovered. The employment-to-population ratio stood at 60.1% in May. That is down from the 61.1% level it was at in February 2020, right before the pandemic took hold.

.Biden did not create most of those jobs they occurred under trump but covid did a job on the world .Many illegals are not but you hit the right word illegally here sponging off of us costing untold billions a year. It was 150 billion a year but under joe Im sure its gone up as he has almost doubled the population of illegals in just over 3 years. Your worried over trumps tariff each in new taxes saying it will cost 2500 well joes inflation cost up all . his inflation has cost us that much and add in the billions your no6t crying about that.
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bIDEN DID NOT .most of the jobs were rebound jobs from covid