Biden destroys Democrat tax myth with his own numbers.....


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2021
At the center of the democrat's economic message is this lie that if we could tax the rich fairly we can end all debt and give everybody free stuff.
Listen to Biden's own numbers from the debate last night.

According to what Biden said here if we increased taxes on billionaires 3 fold, up to 25% from the 8%(According to Biden) they are currently paying we would raise an additional $500B in revenue!

In 10 years!:unsure:

With deficits running at $1.7T a year what is $50B a year in more taxes going to solve?

Democrats have been living off this lie forever. Whether in the USA or Europe how does it make sense to anybody with a functioning brain that you can solve all the problems of 300 million by simply raising taxes on 1000? Like 1000 are so rich they can support all of us.
He is entirely correct that to keep Social Security afloat, to require the same percentage from the ultra rich would solve the problem,
This is a very very wealthy country, and every year the percentage of national income that goes to the top 5% has increased. They enjoy the benefits of this country, let them pay their fair share,

Trump is a scam artist and a criminal that be;longs in prison.
At the center of the democrat's economic message is this lie that if we could tax the rich fairly we can end all debt and give everybody free stuff.
Listen to Biden's own numbers from the debate last night.

According to what Biden said here if we increased taxes on billionaires 3 fold, up to 25% from the 8%(According to Biden) they are currently paying we would raise an additional $500B in revenue!

In 10 years!:unsure:

With deficits running at $1.7T a year what is $50B a year in more taxes going to solve?

Democrats have been living off this lie forever. Whether in the USA or Europe how does it make sense to anybody with a functioning brain that you can solve all the problems of 300 million by simply raising taxes on 1000? Like 1000 are so rich they can support all of us.
More b business growth less spending is the answer . Its that simple.
He is entirely correct that to keep Social Security afloat, to require the same percentage from the ultra rich would solve the problem,
This is a very very wealthy country, and every year the percentage of national income that goes to the top 5% has increased. They enjoy the benefits of this country, let them pay their fair share,

Trump is a scam artist and a criminal that be;longs in prison.

You missed the point. When you run the numbers for dem tax increases on the rich it does not amount to enough to change anything. I'm all for the wealthy paying more but dems have pushed this lie for decades that if we can just have the wealthy pay their fair share we could all sit on our asses.
You missed the point. When you run the numbers for dem tax increases on the rich it does not amount to enough to change anything. I'm all for the wealthy paying more but dems have pushed this lie for decades that if we can just have the wealthy pay their fair share we could all sit on our asses.
He would vote for Biden no matter what he has said or done regardless of his mental competency or physical condition.
He wants what's good for liberals and progressive and woke want. Not what's good for the nation.
3c18190fe9babe79a9024531e755cbaf[1].jpg At the center of the democrat's economic message is this lie that if we could tax the rich fairly we can end all debt......
"St. Bill Clinton signed the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 into law on August 10, 1993. The law created a 36 percent to 39.6 percent income tax for high-income individuals in the top 1.2% of wage earners. Businesses were given an income tax rate of 35%. The cap was repealed on Medicare. Gas taxes were raised 4.3 cents per gallon. The taxable portion of Social Security benefits were also increased."
Real median household income increased from $50,725 in 1992 to $57,790 in 2000, a 13.9% increase.
"If there's one thing that Republican politicians agree on, it's that slashing taxes brings the government more money.
If there's one thing that economists agree on, it's that these claims are false.
Arthur Laffer is a bona fide economist with a doctorate from Stanford. He's also largely responsible for the Republican belief that tax cuts pay for themselves. Now 67, Laffer runs economic-consulting and money-management firms in Nashville. About the best I could get out of him on the question of whether the Bush tax cuts have paid for themselves was.....
"I don't know." fainting-smiley-emoticon[1].gif

You missed the point. When you run the numbers for dem tax increases on the rich it does not amount to enough to change anything. I'm all for the wealthy paying more but dems have pushed this lie for decades that if we can just have the wealthy pay their fair share we could all sit on our asses.
It is true that taxing the rich could balance the budget and end hunger in our country.
He is entirely correct that to keep Social Security afloat, to require the same percentage from the ultra rich would solve the problem,
This is a very very wealthy country, and every year the percentage of national income that goes to the top 5% has increased. They enjoy the benefits of this country, let them pay their fair share,

Trump is a scam artist and a criminal that be;longs in prison.
Yes income went up a small amount, but inflation has outpaced it with ease. You just do not get it taxi ng the rich will not solve the problem but only make it worse as company's stop expanding and investing costing jobs. And Biden would just waste the money and create more debt and inflation.
Only people with limited intelligence think you can tax your way into prosperity.
This country was in fine shape during the Eisenhower Administration, when income taxes were many times higher than they are today.
A top bracket of 39% and an adjustment in Social Security upwards would be optimal in my opinion.
A lot of people are better off now than they ever were with Trump, but some are not. There are many complications in calculating inflation and raises in salary. But Inflation is GLOBAL: Biden did not cause it, Covid and greed did. And the US has the strongest economy on this planet, which is why so many immigrants want to come here to work. That is how supply and demand work.

Trump is ignorant of how both the stock market and the government work. His expertise (such as it is) is in real estate.And he can be counted on to appoint only lickspittles and yesmen as advisors who will agree with him on everything. Note how many of his appointees have pointed out his abysmal ignorance and oppose him.

Trump putting a 10% tariff on all imports would cause HUGE inflation, and it would affect consumers with lower incomes more than others. Anyone whom denies this is just stupid.
"If there's one thing that Republican politicians agree on, it's that slashing taxes brings the government more money.
If there's one thing that economists agree on, it's that these claims are false.
Arthur Laffer is a bona fide economist with a doctorate from Stanford. He's also largely responsible for the Republican belief that tax cuts pay for themselves. Now 67, Laffer runs economic-consulting and money-management firms in Nashville. About the best I could get out of him on the question of whether the Bush tax cuts have paid for themselves was.....
"I don't know." View attachment 14788

The Laffer Curve is bogus. Taxes are rather low in this country, and cutting taxdes on the rich will mostly result in them buying shares in their own companies to profit from profit sharing schemes, NOT in prosperity for the average citizen.

When a Democrat is in the White House, we have had prosperity. When a Republican was there, we normally end up with a recession or worse, as happened with OleBush, Juniorbush and Trump. This is not my opinion, it is a fact that any competent analysist will tell you.
This country was in fine shape during the Eisenhower Administration, when income taxes were many times higher than they are today.
A top bracket of 39% and an adjustment in Social Security upwards would be optimal in my opinion.
You just do not get it .And you claim. To have a PhD.
Taxing the rich more will not fill the gap and I hate to tell you this but it's a lot different now.when he was in office the debt was not near as high it was about 22 billion dollars or in today's dollars a bit over 233 billion a higher tax rate then would of made a difference but it's growing and stands at 34 trillion plus.or in other words over 150 times as much.
Now to you comprehend the problem . You would need a lot of tax money and bidens plan comes up claim to have a PhD and were a teacher. Lol seriously .I a hillbilly with a ged and can see that it will not work. Besides the more money we give these ***** in Congress the more they spend and waste. O sure they pay for the milk and eggs but it's the Japanese beef and caviar that screws up
Tell me what happens when you have less money to spend what do you do
You can not tax your nation into prosperity you create jobs and industry's to increase revenue and live on a budget
A lot of people are better off now than they ever were with Trump, but some are not. There are many complications in calculating inflation and raises in salary. But Inflation is GLOBAL: Biden did not cause it, Covid and greed did. And the US has the strongest economy on this planet, which is why so many immigrants want to come here to work. That is how supply and demand work.

Trump is ignorant of how both the stock market and the government work. His expertise (such as it is) is in real estate.And he can be counted on to appoint only lickspittles and yesmen as advisors who will agree with him on everything. Note how many of his appointees have pointed out his abysmal ignorance and oppose him.

Trump putting a 10% tariff on all imports would cause HUGE inflation, and it would affect consumers with lower incomes more than others. Anyone whom denies this is just stupid.
You mean like if anyone denys the nation was hurt badly by all the illegals and inflations or that Joe's is ok and capable.
Stupid morons like that