Biden crime family hit with congressional subpoena in ongoing investigation.

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
Will the crime family ignore the subpoenas with cover from Biden's weaponized crooked Justice Department? Yes, that would be my guess. 5-17-24

Biden Family Slammed with Surprise Subpoena – Now They Can’t Hide Their Secret Anymore
Republicans dug in deeper to expose the Biden family for sketchy actions taken over many years. It has been a fight to get the information as the Biden clan has stonewalled Congress on getting to the bottom of the family operations.

The family has allegedly been operating with less than pure intent for much of Joe Biden’s political career. Proving allegations has been difficult with the president wielding the power of the White House to run interference in any congressional inquiry.

Republicans turned up the investigative heat with a new action that is determined to uncover details of how the Biden family operates. GOP leaders are going after the money trail that leads to the Biden family.
Biden crime family lol
You morons say the dumbest things as if they are anything like a real crime family
But you morons are desperate
Will the crime family ignore the subpoenas with cover from Biden's weaponized crooked Justice Department? Yes, that would be my guess. 5-17-24

Biden Family Slammed with Surprise Subpoena – Now They Can’t Hide Their Secret Anymore
Republicans dug in deeper to expose the Biden family for sketchy actions taken over many years. It has been a fight to get the information as the Biden clan has stonewalled Congress on getting to the bottom of the family operations.

The family has allegedly been operating with less than pure intent for much of Joe Biden’s political career. Proving allegations has been difficult with the president wielding the power of the White House to run interference in any congressional inquiry.

Republicans turned up the investigative heat with a new action that is determined to uncover details of how the Biden family operates. GOP leaders are going after the money trail that leads to the Biden family.
Less than pure intent? Lololololol
God you pist the dumbest things
Biden crime family lol
You morons say the dumbest things as if they are anything like a real crime family
But you morons are desperate
Well I recall you morons calling the trump family a crime family . And its clear that the Bidens are also . what's fair . A crime family is generally considered either the mafia or a family who has committed crimes together ,
But you do not recall that and have no sense of humor . Get over it lug nut its not a big thing. Are you obsessed with mark you follow him areound
Will the crime family ignore the subpoenas with cover from Biden's weaponized crooked Justice Department? Yes, that would be my guess. 5-17-24

Biden Family Slammed with Surprise Subpoena – Now They Can’t Hide Their Secret Anymore
Republicans dug in deeper to expose the Biden family for sketchy actions taken over many years. It has been a fight to get the information as the Biden clan has stonewalled Congress on getting to the bottom of the family operations.

The family has allegedly been operating with less than pure intent for much of Joe Biden’s political career. Proving allegations has been difficult with the president wielding the power of the White House to run interference in any congressional inquiry.

Republicans turned up the investigative heat with a new action that is determined to uncover details of how the Biden family operates. GOP leaders are going after the money trail that leads to the Biden family.
It's expected they would want to continue the pressure before the election. You'd expect it from comer.
This is another phase of the same inquiry which preceded the failed impeachment. For two years they've been peddling this shit and making outrageous claims and not one sceric of evidence to prove one word.
It's called revenge politics and you bought their lies anticipating a glory filled conviction. Stiff shit.
Well I recall you morons calling the trump family a crime family . And its clear that the Bidens are also . what's fair . A crime family is generally considered either the mafia or a family who has committed crimes together ,
But you do not recall that and have no sense of humor . Get over it lug nut its not a big thing. Are you obsessed with mark you follow him areound
Do you recall me saying that, *****?

What crimes have the bidens committed together? List them

I don't follow anyone around, *****
You and Mark constantly post threads and comments and I comment on them. Duh. That is how these places work
Do you recall me saying that, *****?

What crimes have the bidens committed together? List them

I don't follow anyone around, *****
You and Mark constantly post threads and comments and I comment on them. Duh. That is how these places work
Investigators are still examining evidence of possible Biden family crimes. None of this has yet gone to court. As demmies are famous for saying, nobody should be expected to discuss facts of cases still under investigation.
The author of the article you oppose used a term you disagree with and you call it dumb because of ignorant bias, not because you prove it is dumb.
It's meaningless weasel words lol
I don't disagree with it, *****, because it's meaningless
Investigators are still examining evidence of possible Biden family crimes. None of this has yet gone to court. As demmies are famous for saying, nobody should be expected to discuss facts of cases still under investigation.
Lol more biden family crimes weasel words
Let me know when you have evidence that Joe did something illegal
Are you accusing DC politicians of using courts to try to unjustly and illegally manipulate the 2024 election? I believe you may be right.
How is persuing justice against an obviously past POTUS, charged with 90 felonies election interference. That's typical Trump talk which your repeating.
But how ironic Trump is bellowing election interference when some of the charges he is indicted for, is exactly that.
Let's not forget the fake electors he tried to rig.

Let me know when any of Biden's crew have any charges laid.
How is persuing justice against an obviously past POTUS, charged with 90 felonies election interference. That's typical Trump talk which your repeating.
But how ironic Trump is bellowing election interference when some of the charges he is indicted for, is exactly that.
Let's not forget the fake electors he tried to rig.

Let me know when any of Biden's crew have any charges laid.
Bill Ayers bombed the U.S. Capitol and other government buildings in enraged violence against society and the democrats richly rewarded his unrepentant self. He did not go to jail because he was the son of a rich white democrat, so why should we expect any of the Bidens will ever be jailed for their crimes against the US?



Bill Ayers bombed the U.S. Capitol and other government buildings in enraged violence against society and the democrats richly rewarded his unrepentant self. He did not go to jail because he was the son of a rich white democrat, so why should we expect any of the Bidens will ever be jailed for their crimes against the US?

I don't give a rat's arse. You're out of bullets son.
Knowing the Biden impeachment fell apart, you'd better get some evidence of something if you're going to jail. Hate and revenge aren't good enough.

Forget hunter. He has never held a public office or stood for one. Where's your big lap top conviction? The GOP couldn't find any illegal bribes to anyone. The impeachment went no where sucker.
