Biden administration is guilty of the serious charge of obstructing Congress in Jan 6 investigation

It will all come out. Just like border security people are coming forward. Unless they kill them. Or put charges on them. Anyone speaks out they get. Example!
You can regurgitate Adams as much as you like but is not connected to the topic.
God cannot be proved by human instruments.
It can't be proven at all. It doesn't exist other than in your mind.
Science has not proved the universe was created from nothing by some mysterious brainless and powerless accidental force of some miraculous kind and that God was not involved.
Science has already proven it was the big bang. The remnants of it can be seen to this day. It's called cosmic microwave radiation background.

There's goes your god theory boy.
Interesting how some of these articles are completely removed?? lol!


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Science proves that the Earth is far older than 6000 years.
Why would God create lying snakes that could speak a human language?

What could the point have been to do that?
Science has proven no such thing. Bias has motivated interpreters of data to conclude old ages for earth that simply are not irrefutably proven by scientific data.
It can't be proven at all. It doesn't exist other than in your mind.

Science has already proven it was the big bang. The remnants of it can be seen to this day. It's called cosmic microwave radiation background.

There's goes your god theory boy.
Science has not proven anything about a supposed big bang. Those ideas are speculations, interpretations, assumptions, and conclusions, not irrefutable science.
The officials in charge of security in DC on Jan 6, 2021 committed grave security errors and then destroyed the subpoenaed records of those failures on that day in clear violation of Federal Records preservation laws. The Democrat Jan 6 committee helped hide the incriminating evidence of the Homeland Security's security lapses and lack of concern about those most serious violations of security, lending support to the belief that Homeland Security and the Democrat Jan 6 committee were involved in a coverup of Democrat involvement in the setup of the Republican part on false charges of sedition.

Science has not proven anything about a supposed big bang. Those ideas are speculations, interpretations, assumptions, and conclusions, not irrefutable science.
In fact the big bang remnants can be seen. It's called cosmic microwave radiation background.
Check it out big mouth.

Now prove your silly hideous god exists dickhead.
In fact the big bang remnants can be seen. It's called cosmic microwave radiation background.
Check it out big mouth.

Now prove your silly hideous god exists dickhead.
What do you think microwave radiation tells you about the big bang, that God caused it? That God did not cause it? Stop calling me names if you cannot prove your points.