Biden administration agencies are donating millions of dollars to leftists and leftist organizations and they don't care how it looks

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
When it comes to crooked under the table funding for bad causes and bad people, even mass-murdering worldwide terrorists, unsaved politicans are not ashamed to spend millions of government dollars in personal kickback schemes enrighing the oligarchs at the top of the corrupt political party. 10-23-24

Biden-Harris Admin Shelled Out Millions To Nonprofit Supervised By Chinese Communist Influence Operation
When it comes to crooked under the table funding for bad causes and bad people, even mass-murdering worldwide terrorists, unsaved politicans are not ashamed to spend millions of government dollars in personal kickback schemes enrighing the oligarchs at the top of the corrupt political party. 10-23-24

Biden-Harris Admin Shelled Out Millions To Nonprofit Supervised By Chinese Communist Influence Operation
Where does it say it was a personal kickback or the money ever left USA?

Do you think money spent on the environment a waste?
daily caller lol

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