Biden Admin Asks China To Intercede To Help Avoid Russian Attack On Ukraine


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
1. (EFE).- The US on Thursday (January 27, 2022) asked China to intercede in the Ukraine crisis in a “constructive” manner to reduce tensions with Russia, arguing that the outbreak of a war would have negative effects for Beijing, as well as other nations.

US State Department spokesman Ned Price noted at a press conference that China has a close relationship with Russia, in contrast to Western countries, and he urged Beijing to take advantage of that “influence” to help avert an armed confrontation between Moscow and Kiev.

The US responded after Beijing on Thursday weighed in on the political chessboard of the Ukraine crisis with a warning that Washington should “respect (Moscow’s) legitimate concerns.”

During a telephone call with Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi criticized the military “expansion” of NATO at the same time that he called for “calm” and “restraint.”

The US government responded to Beijing’s call for calm in the phone call and noted that China could exert its influence to help avert a conflict that would not serve its interests.

If there is armed conflict in Ukraine, that will not be good for China, said Deputy Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland, adding that it would have a significant impact on the world economy....


2. In a phone call to his Chinese counterpart on Thursday (January 27, 2022), Blinken asked China to intercede in the Ukraine crisis in a “constructive” manner to reduce tensions with Russia. If the news report is true, it must be noted that it is not a Herculean task for China to intercede in the Ukraine crisis on America's behalf. China's response could simply be: "My dear friend, we are glad to convey the US request to Russia."

When Putin arrived in Beijing on Friday (February 4, 2022) to attend the Winter Olympic Games and hold talks with his Chinese counterpart, the Chinese leader could simply convey the US message to his Russian counterpart in this way: "The Biden administration has asked me to intercede in the Ukraine crisis in a ‘constructive’ manner on their behalf. If you treat me as your buddy or even your brother, will you accept my intercession readily? Or do you treat me as a busybody? If you welcome my intercession, I could phone to Biden to invite him to China to talk to you in person. You can have a bilateral meeting with him here. Three of us can even have a trilateral meeting together to achieve a satisfactory outcome for the sake of humanity and world peace."

3. Whether the news report about the US request for China's intercession was true or not, or whether China had conveyed America's request to Russia, God knows.

However, one thing is crystal clear. Biden does not give a damn about Ukraine, otherwise he could have travelled to Beijing of his own accord during Beijing's Winter Olympics (Feb. 4 to Feb. 20) to have a bilateral meeting with Putin or a trilateral meeting with his Russian and Chinese counterparts.

Instead, during Beijing's Winter Olympic Games, Biden ordered Blinken to travel to Australia to meet with Indo-Pacific allies and attend the Quad Foreign Ministers Ministerial Meeting (Feb. 7 to Feb. 13).

Even when Russia's missiles rain down on Ukrainian cities every day, Biden does not care a damn about Ukraine. He does not send US forces to help defend Ukraine. Neither does he have the balls to take on the role of President John Kennedy (1917-63) (who gave the ultimatum to Russia’s predecessor state of the Soviet Union to get lost from Cuba). Instead, Biden is not shy to show off his hysterical Sinophobia by holding a virtual meeting with other Quad leaders on Thursday, March 3, 2022. 😇

4. Herein I post my favourite Chinese poem again to bring Uncle Sam back to reality from his world of extreme Sinophobia.
