Well-Known Member
In fairness, Tina Fey does not always use Palin's comments "word for word".
Screw fairness when you are Palin bashing

Save that for when you are talking about obama
In fairness, Tina Fey does not always use Palin's comments "word for word".
McCain was supposed to have the most "realistic" chance of winning the last election... His campaign was lackluster until he picked Palin. After that, there were massive energetic crowds at every event. Every election we're told the Democrat lite Republicans stand the best chance of winning, and they always get creamed.The issue is which candidate has a realistic chance of winning
McCain was supposed to have the most "realistic" chance of winning the last election... His campaign was lackluster until he picked Palin. After that, there were massive energetic crowds at every event. Every election we're told the Democrat lite Republicans stand the best chance of winning, and they always get creamed.
I agree Palin would be a terrible choice for nominee (or vp), same with Rush or Beck, that wasn't my point. These people are POPULAR with the base, they are the opinion makers, therefore they must be destroyed. The danger they pose to the Democrats is based on their ability to sway public opinion, if these people were not popular, they wouldn't pose a threat and they wouldn't be attacked.
But doesn't "popular with the base" just mean that they are popular with people who wouldn't vote across party lines if the other candidate were Beelzebub? Elections are determined by swing voters.
McCain is a progressive boob. He ran a very poor campaign against BO, but likely would have lost to your Messiah had he ran a flawless campaign thanks to the numerous failures of that other boob Progressive GWB.
In fairness, Tina Fey does not always use Palin's comments "word for word".
You know, everyone keeps repeating this point, but McCain was actually leading in numerous polls as late as September... and these were not some off the wall poll, he was leading (in September) in Gallup, AP, ABC, CBS etc.
He lost the election when banks started failing and he kept talking about how the fundamentals of the economy were strong... then he sealed the deal when he suspended his campaign to go help pass a $700 billion bank bailout.
But doesn't "popular with the base" just mean that they are popular with people who wouldn't vote across party lines if the other candidate were Beelzebub? Elections are determined by swing voters.
I dont have the poll in front of me, but seems only about half or more of the US thinks Obama passed that, Not Bush...sad how even such simple facts are not able to get in peoples when 70% said Iraq attacked us on 9-11..
I dont have the poll in front of me, but seems only about half or more of the US thinks Obama passed that, Not Bush...sad how even such simple facts are not able to get in peoples when 70% said Iraq attacked us on 9-11..
Poll: Independents who backed Obama shifting away from Democrats
By Bridget Johnson - 08/15/10 09:52 AM ET
Combined results of Associated Press-GfK polls indicate independent voters who embraced the Democratic ticket in 2008 might be ready to shift their votes, the AP reported Sunday.
Fifty-two percent of independents backed President Obama over Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) in 2008, and 49 percent went for Democratic House candidates to 41 percent for Republicans.
But the AP polling now shows 32 percent of independents wanting Democrats to hold on to Congress in November's midterm elections.
More from the AP:
Independents voice especially strong concerns about the economy, with 9 in 10 calling it a top problem and no other issue coming close, the analysis of the AP-GfK polls shows. While Democrats and Republicans rank the economy the No. 1 problem in similar numbers, they are nearly as worried about their No. 2 issues, health care for Democrats and terrorism for Republicans.
Ominously for Democrats, independents trust Republicans more on the economy by a modest but telling 42 percent to 36 percent. That's bad news for the party that controls the White House and Congress at a time of near 10 percent unemployment and the slow economic recovery.
Four in 10 voters identified themselves as independent in the April, May and June polling. That's a jump from three in 10 voters just two years ago.
Independents gave Republicans high marks on national security, but Democrats had the edge on healthcare by 42 to 36 percent.
This on independent voters...
Well not surprising considering how bad Dems and BO suck. But, another way to look at this is independent voters are a bunch of dummies. They can easily be tricked into voting for fools like BO.
What do they really believe in? Do they have any strong held beliefs. Apparently not.
Yes, no doubt the really smart voters are the ones who always vote along party lines, regardless of personalities and issues.
It is a lot cleaner and easier that way. No need to think about anything, just vote for your party, maybe get a pair of pom poms and lead a few cheers while they're at it.
Since the nation is in a deep recession, since the voter approval of Congress is currently lower than the dirt under a well digger's feet, and since most of Congress is made up of Democrats, it does seem likely that the independents will be "tricked into voting for fools." who happen to be Republicans.
But, when only fools are running, it can be difficult to pick out the least foolish fool to vote for.
Well there is some truth in what you state.
However, any conservative worth their salt knew well before the election that BO was a commie and that he would do what he has done. While McCant sucked, he does not hate his country nor did he want to "fundamentally transform" it. Independents wanted to BELIEVE that BO was cool and fresh and new. Many are fools.