Yes, that's one reason we can't get too specific. We already get the "so and so did it too, so you're just picking on me" sorts of responses.
Still, it should be common sense that if one member starts to get personal and call names, that is just not acceptable on this board. I've seen some boards where it is common practice, which is why I avoid those boards. We don't want this one to become the forum that people who want to have a serious discussion avoid.
Do we?
No we don't want things to degenerate into merely insults. I was just speaking on the public aspect of being banned.
I think the process works... warning, short ban, longer ban etc.
You spoke of some really loose boards. I've also been on boards the other way. So strict that after about 20 post by the same guy reciting all the reasons why we shouldn't bomb terrorists I finally said... Why are you always carrying water for the Taliban. Got an insult warning for that.

You guys have a balancing act. This board has always found a good balance. Appreciate your efforts.