Well-Known Member
While I have generally stayed out of the jousting on the sonar use and whale impact part of this debate, I will point out that despite the end of the Cold War, that the Russians, Chinese and probably other Pacific rim allies have been patrolling the western coast of Alaska in the Bering Sea for decades.
Also, considering that drug smugglers have been nabbed actually using submarines out of S. America in recent times.
In terms of this topic though I am somewhat neutral, dozens of navies worldwide have submarines and surface vessels equipped with powerful sonars that could probably confuse or disrupt whales and other sea creatures. Why is the focus only on the US?
A lot of it has to do with the location of the Navy's training, off the coast of Ca., which is full of vulnerable to sonar marine life. Here's an editorial from today's NY Times which pretty well reflects my feelings on the subject. It also indicates that this is an issue that a broad spectrum of people are concerned about, not just strong environmentalists'
Causing permanent injury and death to species of whales that are listed as endangered is just unacceptable.http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/22/opinion/22tue2.html?ref=opinionWhales in the Navy’s Way
Published: January 22, 2008
According to a federal district judge in California, the Navy’s own research predicted that its sonar training exercises off the California coast will cause widespread harm — and possibly permanent injury or death — to nearly 30 species of marine mammals, including five species of endangered whales. That still didn’t stop the Bush administration from rejecting the judge’s carefully crafted plan to protect these animals from avoidable harm.
There is little doubt that the Navy’s mid-frequency active sonar is an effective tool for locating quiet-running submarines and that training is needed in shallow, offshore waters where sound propagates differently than in the open ocean. The rub is that the sonar, which generates extremely intense underwater sound, is harmful to marine mammals that depend on their own sensitive acoustical systems to feed, communicate and navigate. The waters off Southern California are teeming with vulnerable species.
Early this month, Judge Florence-Marie Cooper issued a tough set of mitigation measures — such as shutting off the sonar when mammals are too close — that the Navy must take to avoid a ban on its training activities. That seemed reasonable, especially given the Navy’s own analysis of the potential harm. Last Wednesday, however, President Bush attempted to override the court order by granting the Navy waivers, on national security grounds, from two environmental laws on which the decision was based. That led the judge to stay some restrictions while leaving others in place.
Now the fight will resume in court over whether the White House overstepped its authority in granting the waivers. From our perspective this looks less like a matter of national security than of convenience for the Navy, which resists efforts to constrain its activities no matter the harm to marine life.