Auto companies to bring back electric cars nobody wanted

Are you kidding? So in your world, the ability to buy up the most notoriously awful car in the history of the auto industry.... is a sign of a financially strong company with deep pockets?

You think buying the "Yugo" company is a sign of deep pockets....? Are you joking?

Are you blind out of one eye can't see out the other?:D

I said that the fact FIAT owns some super high end brands and is actively buying up or in talks to buy up other companies all over the world (Chrysler, Opel... now you say Yugo) shows they are financially strong with deep pockets. That's only stating the obvious truth... nothing tricky to understand.

And beyond that, I'm questioning the intelligence of Fiat. Let me ask you... if you knew a specific car company was so awful, so low quality, so shoddy at workmanship, that it gained a notorious reputation around the world.... would you want to add that company to your list of subsidiaries? Yet Fiat did....

Sure! You get a good deal on buying a low end brand and you automatically have an established presence in that region. You then have the ability to improve the low end brand PLUS bring any of your other brands into that market with less competition.

Try to remember there are a lot of places so poor that a Yugo is a pretty cherished thing. Not too many cars sell for those type of numbers. I think a Yugo when they were here in the states was like what, $3000-$4000 NEW! As a worldwide business you have to sell to the people in each particular market as to what they can afford... not what looks good in America.

And now their going to own our third largest domestic auto producer....

You can't possibly see this as a positive. You are a car guy! How can you possibly see this as a good thing?! What, did you never drive a Yugo? Watch the video again!

What are you talking about? FIAT isn't bringing the Yugo to America... so what possible difference could it make that they own that too?:confused:

By your exact logic let's go the other way... FIAT owns FERRARI so how cool will it be that they now have a big stake in Chrysler!

The fact that one of their many lines is the best or the worst makes no difference.

And yes I remember the Yugo. I have no problem agreeing that in American terms the Yugo was a cheap piece of junk. I remember a lot of cheap pieces of junk. The AMC Pacer & Gremlin, the Dodge Omni & Plymouth Horizon, the Chevy Chevette, the Ford Pinto, the first Hyundai's were all cheap & junky to me.

Has nothing to do with FIAT Buying into Chrysler... absolutely nothing at all. Chrysler needed a partner and also needed the established & modern FIAT small engine technology FIAT had... it's a great fit.
I'm pointing out what at one point in time seems like an insurmountable hurdle isn't. Things get better things get cheaper as the tech rolls on... as will battery pack costs.

I'm seriously not even sure what you're so afraid of. If these electric cars are too expensive then they won't sell. This appears to be a free market thing. I know the Tesla is already sold out for all of 2009 and that's a very high end vehicle so there is some serious interest. And I'm sure someone will produce an electric car for half of what that costs.
Speaking of Tesla... this just in:

Auto companies to bring back electric cars nobody wanted​

Years ago, auto companies were forced by government to produce a few all-electric cars. They were inefficient, with limited speed and range, and very few people bought or leased them. As soon as the govt mandates went away, the companies stopped making them, and even destroyed the ones they had left.

Now, auto companies are talking about bringing back similar cars. Batteries are improved, but they still can't go very far on a charge. And when the batteries go flat, it takes from half an hour to several hours to recharge them.

Only in America...... :lol: :lol:
"According to Mercedes’ Q1 sales report, EV sales jumped 327% in the United States and 119% globally, helping it achieve numerous sales records and a new level of relevance in the electric vehicle market. Electric Mercedes offerings accounted for 14% of all passenger vehicle sales in the U.S. and 10% of passenger vehicle sales globally. It should be noted that each of these percentages accounts only for Mercedes passenger vehicle sales and are slightly higher than the statistics that include its commercial offerings.

In total, Mercedes-Benz sold 7,341 EVs in the U.S. and 51,600 globally. The automaker sold 75,701 vehicles in the United States and 503,500 vehicles globally."

Diversifying how we power our cars is a very good thing. I like seeing high sales figures for electric cars. However, anyone that thinks electric cars help the environment in the long term is just phenomenally ignorant. Setting aside the fact that 60% of our electricity comes from fossil fuels, these batteries are just a different nightmare which we are going to hear more and more about in the coming years.

The whole thing is just substituting one problem for another. But hey, it eases the conscious of the ignorant so w/e....
Diversifying how we power our cars is a very good thing. I like seeing high sales figures for electric cars. However, anyone that thinks electric cars help the environment in the long term is just phenomenally ignorant. Setting aside the fact that 60% of our electricity comes from fossil fuels, these batteries are just a different nightmare which we are going to hear more and more about in the coming years.

The whole thing is just substituting one problem for another. But hey, it eases the conscious of the ignorant so w/e....

Myth #1: Electric vehicles are worse for the climate than gasoline cars because of the power plant emissions.

  • FACT: Electric vehicles typically have a smaller carbon footprint than gasoline cars, even when accounting for the electricity used for charging.

    Electric vehicles (EVs) have no tailpipe emissions. Generating the electricity used to charge EVs, however, may create carbon pollution. The amount varies widely based on how local power is generated, e.g., using coal or natural gas, which emit carbon pollution, versus renewable resources like wind or solar, which do not. Even accounting for these electricity emissions, research shows that an EV is typically responsible for lower levels of greenhouse gases (GHGs) than an average new gasoline car. To the extent that more renewable energy sources like wind and solar are used to generate electricity, the total GHGs associated with EVs could be even lower

whether battery recycling will be the nightmare you claim it will be is TBD.

but hey, if it makes you feel good to be so negative, go for it.
Myth #1: Electric vehicles are worse for the climate than gasoline cars because of the power plant emissions.

  • FACT: Electric vehicles typically have a smaller carbon footprint than gasoline cars, even when accounting for the electricity used for charging.

    Electric vehicles (EVs) have no tailpipe emissions. Generating the electricity used to charge EVs, however, may create carbon pollution. The amount varies widely based on how local power is generated, e.g., using coal or natural gas, which emit carbon pollution, versus renewable resources like wind or solar, which do not. Even accounting for these electricity emissions, research shows that an EV is typically responsible for lower levels of greenhouse gases (GHGs) than an average new gasoline car. To the extent that more renewable energy sources like wind and solar are used to generate electricity, the total GHGs associated with EVs could be even lower

whether battery recycling will be the nightmare you claim it will be is TBD.

but hey, if it makes you feel good to be so negative, go for it.
I wasn't talking about carbon pollution, dipshit. I even stated 60% of electricity comes from fossil fuels. For someone so obsessed with semantics, that implies that 40% of electricity comes from other sources, but you're too stupid to realize that.
I wasn't talking about carbon pollution, dipshit. I even stated 60% of electricity comes from fossil fuels. For someone so obsessed with semantics, that implies that 40% of electricity comes from other sources, but you're too stupid to realize that.

of ocurse i realize that *****.

but you felt the need to bring up electrical generation, so i posted about it. duh
i figured i'd help educate you since you're so stupid. no need to thank me!

god you're stupid lol
It is hilarious how I started my post with:

"Diversifying how we power our cars is a very good thing. I like seeing high sales figures for electric cars."

and the usual morons in this thread still need to argue with me....
It is hilarious how I started my post with:

"Diversifying how we power our cars is a very good thing. I like seeing high sales figures for electric cars."

and the usual morons in this thread still need to argue with me....

it is hilarious how I'm not arguing with THAT part of your post, *****.

as if having PART of your post making sense means you shouldn't argue with ANY of the post.

you're so stupid. but hilariously so :)
View attachment 3903
Still haven't found your supporting-data, yet, huh, Scoob????
I honestly thought this was common knowledge.... but I guess that which is common knowledge among intelligent people like me flies over the heads of the ignorant like you.

U.S. utility-scale electricity generation by source, amount, and share of total in 2022
Data as of February 2023

Energy sourceBillion kWhShare of total
Total - all sources4,243
Fossil fuels (total)2,55460.2%
Diversifying how we power our cars is a very good thing. I like seeing high sales figures for electric cars. However, anyone that thinks electric cars help the environment in the long term is just phenomenally ignorant. Setting aside the fact that 60% of our electricity comes from fossil fuels, these batteries are just a different nightmare which we are going to hear more and more about in the coming years.

The whole thing is just substituting one problem for another. But hey, it eases the conscious of the ignorant so w/e....
LOL: Read my signature line.