Tanks for asking about Australia, dogtower ask if there will be many shifts between the new leader and the last. As they both come from the same party and there is an election due soon there will be few. One might be to change the Carbon Tax into something else, an Emission trading Scheme. This will mean instead of charging $24-15 a ton on polluted energy like coal it will be trading on the world market and might be reduce to the European figure $6.50.
He has also said he will be harder on migrants arriving by boat. He wold not grant refuuge status so easily as many are economic migrants. Unlike the USA it is hard to send them back as they come from countries lie Aghanistan,Seri Lanka, and Iran. They fly to Indonesia before they get on the boats. Indonesia does not want them back so turning the boats back, the Opposition policy, will be hard. We let them land and put them into detention for many years to deter them but this has not worked< He may change the election date. He said there night be a vote on gay marriage.He does not promise a surplus and may reverse the previous government cuts in welfare for single parents.
Stevox, I do not think the position is similar to impeachment in the USA as you would need some opposition party to get a one third majority. Here you only need a simple majority to change the leader.
The problem with the knitting needles is that Julia Gillard posed as a feminist most of her term. Knitting does not go with modern images of feminists.