Attempted assignation Of TRUMP !!!

Our secret service failed us miserable yesterday.

An assassin got off several shots at Trump's head hitting him in the ear and killing a couple of people behind him.

It is their job to snuff these people out and stop them from shooting!
BBC did an interview with a guy outside the venue who saw the gunman.

He said he was about 50 feet away from the building the shots came from from. He saw the guy crawling up the building and yelled at police "He's got a gun".

A few minutes later the guy rips off numerous shots aimed at Trump's head.

Why were the secret service so slow to react? They had time to get Trump off the stage and off the sightline of the gunman. Everything they did was after this pos got his shots off!

Where was a helicopter to monitor for people on rooftops? Why was there not a secret service agent on every rood that was potentially accessible for a shot at that stage?

These people need to prove to us they can be reliable in protecting this man. They have spent the last 8 years attacking him and attacking his supporters. Now we expect the swamp to protect him?
I'm not an expert in this but what about drones?

Drones could have been used to monitor the general area around the venue and any potential sniper position. One person with a drone can monitor images from numerous drones and locate a potential threat.

Drones cost nothing!
I'm not an expert in this but what about drones?

Drones could have been used to monitor the general area around the venue and any potential sniper position. One person with a drone can monitor images from numerous drones and locate a potential threat.

Drones cost nothing!
So send me one of them free drones.

I think they outlaw all drones at such events because official drones would be indistinguishable from unauthorized ones.
So send me one of them free drones.

I think they outlaw all drones at such events because official drones would be indistinguishable from unauthorized ones.

So outlaw all drones except the ones used by his security. Duh. They are obviously controlling their own drones.

You know what I meant when i said they cost nothing. Stop being retarded.
Again, I think you will find that drones are outlawed from all rallies.
Perhaps this is the wise thing to do. But the fact is that there were no drones.
free lol did he say free nope
He said that "drones cost nothing". Which is untrue.
In any case, there were no drones present, and I am pretty sure this is because drones are not allowed at such venues.
I do not make drone policy, but someone surely does, and that explains why none were used.

The FBI does not actually need drones, they have helicopters. They fly them daily all, along I-95 to monitor traffic.
He said that "drones cost nothing". Which is untrue.
In any case, there were no drones present, and I am pretty sure this is because drones are not allowed at such venues.
I do not make drone policy, but someone surely does, and that explains why none were used.

The FBI does not actually need drones, they have helicopters. They fly them daily all, along I-95 to monitor traffic.
do the secret service use drones now
Query: Are drones used by the Secret Service now?


The Secret Service does use drones for security purposes.
Drones are utilized for surveillance and monitoring in certain situations.
These drones provide an aerial perspective for enhanced security measures.
The Secret Service employs strict protocols for drone usage to ensure safety and privacy.
Drones are not used for offensive purposes by the Secret Service.
The use of drones by the Secret Service is subject to regulations and guidelines.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI uses drones for surveillance of stationary subjects, and the privacy implications of such operations are "worthy of debate," FBI Director Robert Mueller said Wednesday. He said the law enforcement agency very seldom uses drones now, but is developing guidelines that will shape how unmanned aerial vehicles are to be used.
and your sure there were no drones there .
I do not doubt that the FBI COULD use drones, but the fact is that they did not. And of course, the FBI has helicopters galore for aerial surveillance.

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