At least 3 killed in St. Louis high school shooting, including suspect, a former student


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2022

At least 3 killed in St. Louis high school shooting, including suspect, a former student​

St. Louis Police say eight people were transported to the hospital, and the shooter is deBy Louis Casiano , Anders Hagstrom | Fox News

The first mass shooting since the mid 1960's Charles Whitman Texas Tower shooting spree took place in Columbine High School less than 10 years after the Progressive movement succeeded in hijacking the Democrat party.

And since then, the Progressive ideology has pushed abnormal mores and modalities deeper into our society.

And as difficult as it is for adults to deal with these radical Leftist social changes, (which never stop assaulting us), it is even more difficult for immature, undeveloped young brains to make sense of it all.

Remember, high school kids who were members of their school's shooting clubs used to routinely carry handguns to school every week and no one worried or thought anything wrong with it.

So, what changed things?

In part, the Progressives movement.

At least 3 killed in St. Louis high school shooting, including suspect, a former student​

St. Louis Police say eight people were transported to the hospital, and the shooter is deBy Louis Casiano , Anders Hagstrom | Fox News

The first mass shooting since the mid 1960's Charles Whitman Texas Tower shooting spree took place in Columbine High School less than 10 years after the Progressive movement succeeded in hijacking the Democrat party.

And since then, the Progressive ideology has pushed abnormal mores and modalities deeper into our society.

And as difficult as it is for adults to deal with these radical Leftist social changes, (which never stop assaulting us), it is even more difficult for immature, undeveloped young brains to make sense of it all.

Remember, high school kids who were members of their school's shooting clubs used to routinely carry handguns to school every week and no one worried or thought anything wrong with it.

So, what changed things?

In part, the Progressives movement.
How were the democrats involved? Exactly which part, as you say?
You've got some hate and ignorance issues.
It's you right wing gun nuts who should be hanging your heads.
I've got no idea but you don't have to answer them if your xenophobia is too great.

I live in Missouri smart arse.
boris its hard for us to buy anything you say as you lie so much and you claim all gun owners should be punished and all church's should be burned, when you say things like that you think any one is going to take you seriously . And hes right at one time there were shooting clubs in school and kids had ready access to them. today most school shooting are carried out by young people, and many have mental health issue. Part of it I blame on Hollywood tv the other is family not speaking up and seeking help for those with mental issues.
Im a gun nut so to speak and the only time I have ever pointed a gun at someone was professional at my job

due to the pandemic and blm riots gun sales grew with a sharp increase in sales from democrats especially women and blacks.
boris its hard for us to buy anything you say as you lie so much and you claim all gun owners should be punished and all church's should be burned, when you say things like that you think any one is going to take you seriously . And hes right at one time there were shooting clubs in school and kids had ready access to them. today most school shooting are carried out by young people, and many have mental health issue. Part of it I blame on Hollywood tv the other is family not speaking up and seeking help for those with mental issues.
Im a gun nut so to speak and the only time I have ever pointed a gun at someone was professional at my job

due to the pandemic and blm riots gun sales grew with a sharp increase in sales from democrats especially women and blacks.
With every "exciting" new social wrinkle the Left dumped on America, the Woke, Democrat Leftists and Progressives TROLLED our entire society and confused the young, at-risk, immature, highly excitable violent shooter video game addicted young people.

And the Left continues to deny the cause of the plague of young people shooting up America.

I say the cause can be found with Hillary's devilish disciple, Saul Alinsky.
With every "exciting" new social wrinkle the Left dumped on America, the Woke, Democrat Leftists and Progressives in TROLLED our entire society and confused the young, at-risk, immature, highly excitable violent shooter video game addicted young people.

And the Left continues to deny the cause of the plague of young people shooting up America.

I say the cause can be found with Hillary's devilish disciple, Saul Alinsky.
I agree that vid games could indeed add to it .. Along with poor parenting
I was raised by my grandparents on a farm and grew up with guns mainly for hunting purposes, and general use on the farm for varmints putting lam e or injured or sick livestock down property protecting and at so, me point for target shooting. the guns were not locked up and I could get them at any time I wanted but up until about 17 i had to ask permission and always did I was taught they are a tool and a sporting instrument, we didn't have the violent video games and tv shows back then. And it was during the Vietnam war .
I was raised by my grandparents on a farm and grew up with guns mainly for hunting purposes, and general use on the farm for varmints putting lam e or injured or sick livestock down property protecting and at so, me point for target shooting. the guns were not locked up and I could get them at any time I wanted but up until about 17 i had to ask permission and always did I was taught they are a tool and a sporting instrument, we didn't have the violent video games and tv shows back then. And it was during the Vietnam war .
I am reluctant to share any personal information because I can't control who might read it or how they might use anything I might share.

U.S. Army (non combat arms) Veteran. U.S. born and raised, straight male.

boris its hard for us to buy anything you say as you lie so much and you claim all gun owners should be punished and all church's should be burned, when you say things like that you think any one is going to take you seriously . And hes right at one time there were shooting clubs in school and kids had ready access to them. today most school shooting are carried out by young people, and many have mental health issue. Part of it I blame on Hollywood tv the other is family not speaking up and seeking help for those with mental issues.
Im a gun nut so to speak and the only time I have ever pointed a gun at someone was professional at my job

due to the pandemic and blm riots gun sales grew with a sharp increase in sales from democrats especially women and blacks.
I don't care what you think or if you think at all.
It's as if I'm not allowed to oppose your thoughts.
I suggest you get accustomed to criticism because your recent form where I have pinged several times, does not extend to you be holier than thou.
You're last paragraph is an unsubstantiated lie and again, no proof.
Consider yourself pinged again.

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