Asked how she plans on making America better, Kamala's incoherent response essentially points to more sociaslist Bidenomics

Here it is Sunday Morning, and super Christian Mark is here defending the pussy-grabbing, tax-cheating, libel-spouting, philandering Trump instead of in Church, hearing all about Jesus.
Democrats keep trotting out a single immoral joke Trump made among other men of like minds in Hollywood while a democrat years before he entered politics as a republican. What they refuse to talk about are examples of democrats like Bill Clinton and Joe Biden who committed sexual crimes inside of government buildings while in office.
Oh the irony. Trump has over 40000 lies to his credit and you chose Harris.
Democrat rubes blindly believe Trump has told tens of thousands of lies while demopcrats have clean records of honesty. Sadly for the rubes, the democrats are the major liars, including their repeated lies about Trump.