Mr. Shaman
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Why don't you go tell Pelosi, Boxer, Feinstein, the Clintons, Rockefellors, Kerry, Gore, etc., that every corporation they are involved in can only make a 1.5% profit?
Why don't you go tell Pelosi, Boxer, Feinstein, the Clintons, Rockefellors, Kerry, Gore, etc., that every corporation they are involved in can only make a 1.5% profit?
No it wasn't. Anyone who bought booze was voluntarily participating in Al's business.
Will do....As soon as the single payer public option is available. (& so will you)....It'll truly be OUR health insurance non-profit company.
The reason for the wealth disparity, in large part, is the welfare system. There never was any intent on the part of progressive/socialists to end the gap between the wealthy, and the poor. That was just a "red herring". Have you ever taken the time to notice that as the poor get poorer the rich get richer? The reason for that is the destruction of the middle class by higher taxation.
February 12, 2004
"Mankiw's comments were a red flag to the administration's critics, who have been charging that Bush has failed to address the loss of 2.2 million jobs since he took office or the 3 million lost manufacturing jobs that have occurred since July 2000.
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry told supporters Tuesday that the administration was finally admitting what was behind its economic policies. "They said that shipping American jobs overseas is good for America," he said."
Will do....As soon as the single payer public option is available. (& so will you)....It'll truly be OUR health insurance non-profit company.
You wasted your time with that polemic.
After The Great Depression the inequity gap was closing, then it reversed when taxes started dropping and people could start massing wealth more easily.
Yeah, "welfare queens" are the ones who sit on the boards of corporations that make the business decisions that have brought this country to its knees. They just have so much wealth to make that happen.
Welfare payments are just a means to keep from having to pay for a security force from cracking our heads, at long as it is cost efficient. Just imagine how much liberty and opportunity Americans are going to have when the balance shifts...
Right now 2% of the population controls 40% of the wealth. How much more will they control now?
The "inquity gap" was never closing. More millionaires were created during the Great Depression then at any time in history due to government spending just as they are being created now.
The there was the decreasing of wages beginning with the Johnson administration, and the signing of the "War on Poverty", and the increase in taxes. Things settled down for a while, and then under Clinton, and his increasing in taxation, the gap widened again. Under Clinton the "wealthy" were earning 273% of that of the average worker. Then under Bush, who I would argue was a progressive since he obviously was not a conservative, the gap widened to over 400% of that of the average worker, and wages still declined.
Today the government worker makes approx. 11,000 dollars a year more then the equivalent worker in the private market, and they get guaranteed benefits, retirement, etc. Wages for the average worker in the private field have been decreasing for the past 35 years due in large part to the availability of foreign labor, and the abuses of the H1B, and L1, visas, not to forget illegal immigants.
As my point was, welfare is a subsidized "income" that barely keeps people at the poverty level till you add on the free medical, low income housing, free food, etc., and for some the EITC. It was not meant for them to amass wealth. It was intended to use that system to transfer wealth from the middle class to the wealthy. What people like you ignore is the ability of the wealthy to shelter their money especially in tax free mutual funds, public trusts, and other devices.
Then when the welfare "queen" goes to buy groceries, rent a house, etc., who is it that owns that grocery store, that apartment complex, etc.? Is it the middle class?
Try to get beyond your little box you are stuck in, and look around. Right now over 40% of the people are dependent in one way, or another, on the government for their very subsistence. With the new health care bill it will soon be up to 60%, or better. Right now 2% of the population controls 40% of the wealth. How much more will they control now?
Wait'll those (same) 1%ers see their health-care-$tock$ go belly-UP!!!!!
They won't be controlling 40% of the wealth, after THAT!!!!!!!!
I'm not quite sure what little box you want me out of, as you prove my point.