Is the so called "big bang" really a theory, or merely an attempt to explain observations? It is based on the observation that the universe seems to be expanding, as evidenced by the red shift being more prominent the farther away an object is.
It is a theory in that it is still called a theory but to believe the theory requires a fantastic leap of faith and a willingness to suspend the physical laws of nature.
To me, a non scientist, the idea that all of the matter and energy in the universe was once in an infinitely small space, and just sort of sprang forth sounds a lot like "Let there be light" from Genesis. Maybe it's because I don't understand the big bang.
No one can understand the big bang any more than anyone could understand the mechanism of the creation as described in genesis. As I said, it requires a leap of faith, not understanding because so many physical laws must be put into suspension for the big bang to work. In short, in order to accept the big bang, one must accept miracles. I have made this explanation on other boards so if you don't mind, rather than type the whole thing out again, I am going to just cut and paste from one of the other boards.
The miracles you must accept in order to accept the big bang. As you are suirely aware, modern science theorizes that the universe as we see it is the debris of a fabulous explosion with the fragments of that explosion still flying away in every direction.
On the surface, like many terribly flawed theories (AGW) it makes sense and it is very easy to see how so many could be drawn into it. Lift up the corner and look underneath (so to speak) and there are some terrible problems with the big bang theory that no one in the scientific community (to my knowledge) even wants to begin to try to answer. In fact, in many scientific circles, if you ask questions about these problems, you will be immediately dismissed as a heretic and no further discussion is possible.
Imagine that we are seeing the universe as it exists today as a film. A film that we can run in reverse. Alright, lets reverse it way back to just a few frames after the big bang happened. As we ran the film back, we saw all of the fragments of the big bang moving back together. Closer and closer until all that is visible is a very bright light. The "big bang".
OK. Start the film backwards again. The light gets smaller and smaller until we reach the birth frame of the big bang. Stop the film. Here, according to modern science, even though we don't see it, there is a very small something in front of us. It is an infinitely hot, and infinitely small (zero diameter) and infinitely curved (round) pointlike dimension and it contains all of the matter and energy in the universe. In fact, it is the universe. This is what we are told by modern science. Rember that word infinitely. It is important.
Here we have an infinitely small (zero diameter) spherical point and the big bang takes place. If that point expands a trillion bazillion times, what would it's diameter be? Watch closely because the first miracle is coming up soon to be followed by others. What is a trillion bazillion times zero? The answer is zero no matter how many times you figure it. If the temperature of that infinitely small, infinitely hot point were to drop by a trillion billion times, what would the temperature be? Infinity divided by anything is still infinity so no matter how much you cooled it off, it would still be infinitely hot.
Do you see a trend here? If the universe ever existed as the scientists say, "infinitely small", "infinitely round", "infinitely hot", it isn't getting any bigger and isn't getting any cooler no matter how many frames we move forward. Now. This is where a giant leap of faith, and the belief in miracles enters the big bang. Lets look at the birth frame of the big bang again. Now ask to see the frame of the film that is just before that one. As soon as you ask to see that frame or that what it is be described to you, the conversation is over and a veritable army of the faithful will come to the defense of their theory.
I have recieved responses that suggest that the question has no meaning. It has been suggested that questions about what was going on just before the big bang are like asking who lives a few miles east or west of the equator. I have heard talk of singularities that involve incredibly large amounts of mass that come from something like a black hole…but not. A "place" where the rules of light and energy don’t exist and a thing like time has no meaning. I have been told flatly, with a straight face that in an environment that has no passage of time, a word like before has no meaning.
To that, any thinking person should immediately reply that if there is no passage of time, and words like before have no meaning, exactly how can words like after have any meaning either? You can’t have it both ways. Either there is the passage of time and there was a before, or there is no passage of time in which case, there can be no after.
If, as modern science tells us that everything is energy, and energy is mass, and everything was compressed into an infinitely small point, then you would have nothing but a single black hole, a singularity, and science tells us most authoritatively that you can not big bang your way out of a black hole. If time can’t move, then we would find ourselves completely unable to run our film in either direction; and if the energy = mass equation didn’t apply then, it stands to reason that there could be no black hole and in that case, one couldn’t claim the time suspension rules and the word before would have just as much meaning as the word after.
This being said, the big bang happening would have been as big a miracle as God saying “let there be light”.
As our instruments grow more sensitive, we can see more, and see further than we have ever been able to before and the more we see, the less likely the big bang becomes.
We have known for some time about the existence of background radiation in the universe. It is uniform in all directions. Some scientists at the Bell laboratories got a Nobel Prize for discovering that this background radiation was absolutely uniform in every direction. No matter which direction one looks in space, there it was and it was exactly the same. A dead flat, constant 3 degree Kelvin cold. They told us, and the big bang faithful agreed, that the fact that it was uniform in every direction was the final nail in the creationist coffin. It was proof of the big bang.
Some years later, as technology improved, some super detectors that we placed in orbit that were more sensitive than those used by the Bell laboratory scientists by orders of magnitude found that the flat background radiation wasn’t really flat at all but had some significant undulations and unevenness. It was then determined, and reported by the faithful, that the fact that the radiation was uneven and variable was the final nail in the creationist coffin and was the ultimate proof of the big bang. An unfalsifiable theory. (sound familiar?)
In 1995, or maybe 1996 some findings were made with the Hubble telescope that if they are accepted as being correct, deal a major blow to the big bang theory. The poor state of the big bang scientific community was pretty well summed up in a single paragraph from the report.
“The basic theory of cosmology,that the universe burst forth in a big bang from a tiny volume long ago remains intact. But the details must be revised, or explanations of stallar physics changed, to get stars older than the universe”
In short, with the Hubble telescope, the astronomers were finding 16 billion year old globular clusters in an 8 billion year old universe. Miraculous is it not?
In order to maintain the big bang theory, "some" scientists who are heavily invested in the big bang theorized inflation. They claim that if they could ignore the laws of physics for a millionth of a millionth, of a millionth of a second (I am not kidding) right after the incredibly hot and incredibly dense big bang went off and you allow the explosion to expand at 10 to the 25 times the speed of light and some suggest as much as 10 to the 50 times the speed of light, there will be enough velocity to achieve the distribution and organization of matter to put the stars and galaxys in the positions in which we see them today. By ignoring the laws of physics for that wee bit of time, atomic ratios once again make sense, and some of the questions about anti-matter. And most importantly, one is excused from answering questions about what the universe looked like in that frame just before the birth frame since all of the echoes of it would have been lost. (just like if you ignore the fact that additional CO2 in the atmosphere can't cause warming)
Another miracle. Imagine that.. Now we have the scientific community claiming at least two miracles in the process of the big bang. First, a small dense hot point that came from nowhere and started everything in motion, and in order to explain it, a magical suspension of the laws of physics for “just a little while” so that everything can expand at a speed they themselves have found to be impossible. I am all for science, but the claim of two physical miracles and a couple of mathematical miracles is just to many for any scientific theory to hold water with me.