Yes I know that .
20 percent compared to 80 percent
Ammo prices went up under Obama and sky rocketed under Joe gun owner ship sky rocked during covid and blm riots as people were scared and they were limiting how much you can buy.
The majority of demo rats own pistols for home defense as that and shot guns were the number one item.
five million out of roughly 43 million hunters and sport shooters in the United States make their own bullets and shells, according to reloading companies
I reload and know people who do all are republican but regardless the majorly of re loaders are completion shooter or hunters and bulk shooting , I have lots of ammo and its growing every day. I have some where around 6000 9 mm and and probably 4000 ,223 I also have 30 06 and thousand of couple thousand 38 and357 man and 380
plus I load limited am mounts of 6.5 creedmore and 308 and 338 lapua mag . And I have cut back on what I reload .
There fore common sense and logic tell you that republics not only have 80 percent of the guns in the usa logic and common sense tell you they have at least 80 percent of the ammo in the nation.
Your in denial and living a life of delusions if you think democrat could win a civil war . If one ever happens it will be democrats who start it just look at the violent protest they have been involved in ..
So yes you and your army of liberal gays antifa blm Muslims radical groups and would be pounded into the ground like a midget fighting Andre the gaint