Are Voter ID Laws Racist?

They probably do. What are they going to do with the homeless, throw them in jail?

Since everyone has to have one anyway, do t hey require it for voting?

We vote by mail

I have friends who get ballots at home and at their parents’ house (big with college kids) I know people who registered to vote and have never shown any form of ID in any way. I Know people who vote under two last names PROUDLY

We vote by mail

I have friends who get ballots at home and at their parents’ house (big with college kids) I know people who registered to vote and have never shown any form of ID in any way. I Know people who vote under two last names PROUDLY
Sounds like the state of Oregon is due for some serious election reform.
Well of course they are racist....POLITICS..The liberals don't want it because of the hispanic vote and the republicans for the same reason
and it seems only people who feel this way are liberals who keep promoting this nonsense whenever voter id comes up. its all they have because they can't possibly accept the idea of surrendering any means of fraud.

No Wonder Sheila Jackson Lee Screamed to DOJ about True the Vote

Of the random 3,800 registrations from Jackson Lee’s predominantly Democratic district, 25 percent had critical errors which Engelbrecht believes could result in an erosion of election integrity.

The media began to focus on the findings from the Harris County tax assessor’s office and True the Vote. Shortly after the August 24 press conference announcing the results of the office’s investigation, a fire of unknown origins burned down the warehouse containing all of Harris County’s voting equipment. In total, the fire claimed 10,000 voting machines, which was approximately $30,000,000 worth of equipment.
Look at the immingration laws of Mexico. You cant vote illegaly in that country and you cant stay illegaly in that country nether.
You know why.

They need those fraudulent votes to win.

Yeah.... I know

But I guess really what I was thinking is Why don't they realize their ideas are so bad it always takes cheating to win and why do they stay with those ideas. Even I (who is not the sharpest crayola in the box) eventually realized these ideas are not working and changed my thinking...
Yeah.... I know

But I guess really what I was thinking is Why don't they realize their ideas are so bad it always takes cheating to win and why do they stay with those ideas. Even I (who is not the sharpest crayola in the box) eventually realized these ideas are not working and changed my thinking...

It is amazing Dems don't win ALL elections. They bride the citizenry with all sorts of freebies to get their votes. Many vote D just because of this. Thankfully many citizens realize freebies are not free and will ultimately destroy the nation. Hopefully the rational citizens win out or we are screwed.

But, the Ds (many are really commies) don't care about cheating to get their way. Their motto is 'the ends justify the means.' Obama like most libs/commies thinks his ideas must be imposed. So, he will do whatever it takes to implement them without concern for right and wrong.

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