Are short sighted Dems only now starting to understand the cost of thinking only of the present and ignoring future concerns or consequences?

You need to work on your reading-comprehension, Goober.
That article was all about
John Wayne's CHICKENHAWK YEARS, during WWII....that he resurrected, during 'Nam.
Who would willingly read anything posted by a fooking loser like you? Who would take it seriously?

And now that you've explained it's significance, you have revealed even more of your inadequacy.

John Wayne was a SYMBOLIC actor who REPRESENTED patriotic war heroes.

You are the kind of Demwit who actually believes Biden is really the President.

What a dimbulb u are!


Try some more, Fifi!
Are short sighted Dems only now starting to understand the cost of thinking only of the present and ignoring future concerns or consequences?

The Left shxx-canned journalist's standards of integrity in order to lie to us temporarily until we woke up and discovered they were lying to us and manipulating us to destroy Trump and make us all their subjects.

And now nothing their dishonest media says is believed or not without checking a more credible source.
This makes no sense. Trump wants REVENGE for people refusing to admit the lie that he lost the election and that he is not a convicted criminal scuzzbag. He wants to convert our country into a backward theocracy.

The Democrats are determined to improve the future of this country.
The MAGA crowd wants to hand the country over to Big Oil and ignores the indisputable problem of climate change. Trump cares only about himself, revenge against those who have prosecuted him for his many crimes and fixing elections so that MAGA always wins.

MAGA wants to return to the worst of the 1950's. More persecutions of LGBTQ people, fewer rights for women, making teaching religion in schools federally supported, and Big Oil and the hedge fund managers in charge. Now Trump wants the government to "invest" in Bitcoin and other digital money.
indeed, they are mark. Im a bit busy these last few days but I will post more on this . They constantly want something then when they get it they find out it was a bad move .
Please be advised that John Wayne had practically NOTHING to do with winning WWII. And perhaps you did not notice that Vietnam was NOT any sort of victory. It was a terrible idea from the beginning to the humiliating end. We should have stayed out and spent the money on ending poverty.