Any Gamers Here?


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2008
={CaLiCo}= HQ
I recently got back into PC gaming... Bought a nice new comp and a 46 inch LCD HDTV to use as my monitor, along with a 6 speaker surround sound system. It's the best set up I've ever had and I love it.

I've been a proud member of the =VX9= Gaming Community for about 8 years now. We use a military model for our structure and organization, we have several divisions and each one is dedicated to a particular game or series.

I'm the Commanding Officer of Phoenix Company, our Guild Wars division, and as you can imagine I spend a lot of time playing Guild Wars and looking forward to Guild Wars 2 coming out (which they've been promising for years).

I also like to play the Battlefield series, the most recent of which is Battlefield Bad Company 2... Alpha Company is our Battlefield division. We do a lot of pub play and we have matches 5 nights a week. I get bored with first person shooters quickly though, so I don't spend too much time playing it.

We also have divisions for Call Of Duty (Easy Company), Americas Army (Delta Company), All Points Bulletin (Zulu Company) and some others which are not active enough to be official divisions.

If you decide to stop by the =VX9= site, my name is, what else, GenSeneca. If you happen to play Guild Wars, add me to your friends list, IGN: General Seneca and PM me when I'm online. I would welcome anyone to join me for some Guild Wars. BTW, I leave my politics at the door when I log onto play... My XO is a Prog but we've been good friends for years and we work very well together.

Interested in Guild Wars? Watch the demo and try the game for free...

Guild Wars Free Trial

Unlike WOW, Guild Wars is not a pay-to-play game, so there are no monthly fees, once you buy the game, it's yours to play forever. Some of my guys have found the entire Guild Wars collection at Wal-Mart for $39.99, it has all three games and the expansion, quite a good deal.

I think it would be fun to meet up with some HOP people and do some gaming, hopefully I'm not the only gamer here. :)
Rome Total War.......bit dated but good fun

That one was good... Did you ever play Civilization? RTW reminded me of Civilization without the age advancements. There were several Civilization games, some better than others but all of them were very addictive.

I used to really like the Command & Conquer series but their latest release was the final nail in that franchises coffin... they moved farther and farter away from what made the game great in hopes of attracting more players and all it accomplished was driving away the veterans and loyal fans.

If you like RTS games, you should check this game out...

It's a browser based game and by far one of the better ones I've seen... The resource management and battles are fun and challenging. The only real draw back to the game is that it's too short. Imperium reminds me of Rise of Nations... which is another game that was very addictive and way ahead of it's time.
Here is a video game for American hating liberals...

Military Exchanges Refuse to Stock New 'Medal of Honor' Video Game - Game Reportedly Allows Players to Assume Role of Taliban Fighter to Kill U.S. Soldiers
Sept. 3, 2010
Many service members looking forward to the October release of the new "Medal of Honor" video game will have to buy it off-base after most military branches decided not to stock the controversial game, which includes depictions of violence toward U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

The Army & Air Force Exchange Service -- joined by the Coast Guard Community Services Command -- was the first to announce this week that it would not allow sales of the game, produced by video game giant Entertainment Arts, or EA, on any of its 181 exchanges in the United States and abroad, or its online site.

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