ANWR is the solution to cheaper gas.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
For years we has this bought up. Everytime republicans want to drill oil in Alaska, Democrats have to block, it veto it or fillabuster it. It started back in 1977 it was passed but Jimmy Carter vetoed it. Then Reagan bought it up in 1983 Democrats lead by Tip ONeil blocked it. The Republicans bought it up in 1996 Bill Clinton Vetoed it the in 2001 Bush bought it up Tom Daschile Fillabuster it. George Bush had his energy plan in place but Tom Daschile forbid it. If they would pass ANWR We wouldnt be dealing with $3 or $4 gallon of gas. I suggest you read Newt gringrich book

The oil we import from Libya is a very small percentage of the total, Libya doesn't even make the top fifteen countries (The Virgin Islands sell us more!). Yet when Libya is tottering, oil prices are suddenly rocketing upward.

The oil we would get from ANWR is also a small percntage of our total, though a greater percentage than from Libya. Want to bet that getting oil from ANWR would more than offset the disruption in Libyan oil?
ahh the tiered idea that we have so much oil in the US that we can go forever with our own oil....

Drill Drill Drill...Spill? what? ignore...Drill Drill Drill..

10.4 billion barells oil estimate ( average of high and low guesses)

US use...about 19 million barrels a day

Plus you asume that there is even anything in ANWR...a dirty fact that Republicans hate...that its not 100% there is anything.

Lee R. Raymond, the chief executive of Exxon Mobil, said simply, "I don't know if there is anything in ANWR or not."

We don't know how much, if any oil is there ...and even at max...its not going to make a huge dent in US please stop acting likes its a solution...its a stop gap at best.
The oil we import from Libya is a very small percentage of the total, Libya doesn't even make the top fifteen countries (The Virgin Islands sell us more!). Yet when Libya is tottering, oil prices are suddenly rocketing upward.

The oil we would get from ANWR is also a small percntage of our total, though a greater percentage than from Libya. Want to bet that getting oil from ANWR would more than offset the disruption in Libyan oil?

yes it would...if Lybia happens 10 years from now, and we ignore that the biggest driver of the oil jump is speculators ...and WORLD Demand not Just what happens in the US. If China gets 20% of Oil from Lybia...and Lybia can't make as has to get more from someone...maybe someone we get alot from...also As Libya production Fell...Sauds have increased to make up for it....

the reason oil cost went up has little to do with Libya...and alot to do with Profiting of it.
The real argument for ANWR drilling is that it represents eliminating hundreds of billions of dollars not added to our deficit trade imbalance, while also not enriching by the same amount some of the worst third world dictatorships.
The oil we import from Libya is a very small percentage of the total, Libya doesn't even make the top fifteen countries (The Virgin Islands sell us more!). Yet when Libya is tottering, oil prices are suddenly rocketing upward.

Oil disruptions in Libya cannot be measured on the metric of "what the US imports from Libya." Oil is traded on the global market, and when supply constricts and demand remains constant of increases, the price will increase...regardless of who is buying it.

The point is that there is X amount of oil in the global market, and when that shrinks, everyone will pay more.

The oil we would get from ANWR is also a small percntage of our total, though a greater percentage than from Libya. Want to bet that getting oil from ANWR would more than offset the disruption in Libyan oil?

I would gladly take that bet, especially in the short term...because it would take years to get a drilling operation up and running in ANWR that actually started producing decent numbers (assuming it ever does) and the price spike caused by Libya will be long gone by that point.
yes it would...if Lybia happens 10 years from now, and we ignore that the biggest driver of the oil jump is speculators ...and WORLD Demand not Just what happens in the US. If China gets 20% of Oil from Lybia...and Lybia can't make as has to get more from someone...maybe someone we get alot from...also As Libya production Fell...Sauds have increased to make up for it....

the reason oil cost went up has little to do with Libya...and alot to do with Profiting of it.

I don't think speculators play quite as big a role as you are indicating.
the biggest driver of the oil jump is speculators ...

The usual tripe from the usual suspects. The only reason speculators buy anything, is because they know the price will go up whether they buy or not. And so they get in early, and then sell to the people who are REALLY raising the prices: the consumers.

But the usual leftists find it's much easier, and more satisfying, to blame evil enemies than to blame the free market (i.e. consumers who want more than is currently available). What would they do without evil enemies? If the free market is left to operate, and govt is restricted to only punishing those who abuse it, there would soon be no need for leftists at all.

Gee, that would be a shame, wouldn't it. :D
yes it would...if Lybia happens 10 years from now, and we ignore that the biggest driver of the oil jump is speculators ...and WORLD Demand not Just what happens in the US. If China gets 20% of Oil from Lybia...and Lybia can't make as has to get more from someone...maybe someone we get alot from...also As Libya production Fell...Sauds have increased to make up for it....

the reason oil cost went up has little to do with Libya...and alot to do with Profiting of it.

Well then, lets do worse than nothing. Which is exactly what BO and friends are doing. Or better yet, lets use alternative energy sources like wind and solar. That should do the trick.

The trick results in an impoverished America. Another consequence of liberalism.

I say build nuke plants, extract as much coal and natural gas as possible, and drill baby drill. That will keep America going and our living standards high. While doing this, we continue searching for EFFECTIVE alternatives. The Left is against all these things so as to weaken America. Nice!
The only reasons we are no drilling for oil in the states is that we are afraid of ecological disasters which reasonably could be avoided with today's technology especially if we drill on land and that some people want to encourage the use of alternative fuels.

I am for developing alternative fuels but it is silly to do so because present fuels have been rationed. It would be a waste to develop alternative fuels 50 years from now and then to have millions of gallons of untapped oil still in the ground because we were too short sighted to use them now when we need them.