Another Trump Promise Is A Lie


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2014
He violated the Cuban Embargo, he violated the New York Charity laws, he "promises" to fix the tax problem while not paying taxes, he says he will bring back jobs from China while sending jobs to China and hiring foreign workers under the H1-B program, and the list goes on. Now he is promising to bring back the steel market to the US while buying his steel from China.

How much hypocrisy will we have to bear before the American people, especially the right wing, wakes up?

"Throughout his campaign, Trump has maintained that some controversial decisions for his companies amounted to nothing more than taking actions that were good for business, and were therefore reflections of his financial acumen. But, with the exception of one business that collapsed into multiple bankruptcies, Trump does not operate a public company; he has no fiduciary obligation to shareholders to obtain the highest returns he can. His decisions to turn away from American producers were not driven by legal obligations to investors, but simply resulted in higher profits for himself and his family."
The addition of the banning of the operation of the Trump Foundation in New York doesn't look good, and for someone who should have excellent lawyers and accountants, it's a negligent thing to miss. There maybe more to the story, but it doesn't bode well especially when financial integrity is being questioned.
The addition of the banning of the operation of the Trump Foundation in New York doesn't look good, and for someone who should have excellent lawyers and accountants, it's a negligent thing to miss. There maybe more to the story, but it doesn't bode well especially when financial integrity is being questioned.

Trump has no integrity. Only an ass like him would mock a the way a woman walks when she has pneumonia, and gets over heated in a crowd.